The final installment of the Down World series sees Marina face old demons while also jumping into the future to a world that was changed by her very hand. For fans of Netflix’s Dark and the Dark Stars series by Danielle Rollins.
After a very complicated senior year, Marina O’connell has relocated to Boston where she is attending her dream university. She has moved in with her brother Robbie and his fiance Piper and is trying to get over the heartbreak Adam caused, leaving her without a trace. While Marina tries to put herself out there and meet new people, she still cannot help the pull of the events that happened last year and the doors she left behind at East Township High. But the night before Robbie’s wedding, Marina finds Adam sitting on her aunt’s front porch. He claims he’s been away teaching and apologizes for disappearing. Marina, still in love with him, takes him back. But as the two continue where they left off, no one but Marina seems to trust Adam. Then one night, another door to the Down World is found and Marina is once again sucked into the chaos of the portals. This time, she finds herself in the future, in the year 2063, and is astonished to find what her actions have caused in this utopian plane. While the future seems bright, dark secrets slowly begin to surface and people lost to time begin to appear. Marina will have to decide what she is willing to sacrifice in order to get her life back.