Kansas City Star is a psychological thriller set in the quiet town of Evergreen, just outside Kansas City. When beloved children’s TV host Jake Walker begins to act strangely, those who know him best notice that something is disturbingly off. His once-warm demeanor has turned cold and unsettling, leaving the townspeople grappling with a creeping fear that the man they’ve trusted for years may no longer be himself.
Abi, a local producer and one of Jake’s friends, grows suspicious and discovers a mysterious device hidden in his home. It’s a conduit for a dark force that has taken over Jake, transforming him into something dangerous. As he becomes consumed by his new powers, a sinister plan begins to take shape, one that threatens to control the entire town.With time running out, Abi teams up with her old friend Chris to uncover the truth behind Jake’s transformation and stop the malevolent force from consuming Evergreen. As they navigate a landscape of secrets and fear, they must confront the darkness before it’s too late. Kansas City Star is a gripping exploration of how even the most familiar faces can hide unimaginable evil.