The Divinely instituted metaphysical redemptory Plan of All Ages or the Law of Redemption for the newly emergent man through God’s existential rationale of love was implicit in the de-adaptive phase of humanization, the stage at which the adaptive orthogenetic evolutionary process became inverted, i.e., de-adaptive, occasioning the emergence of the intelligent homo sapiens from the hominoids with consciousness entrenched in him.
This Plan was to become a historical reality in the fullness of time as God’s self-actualized phenomenal expression in Christ as the divine phenomenon of cosmic proportions as the dyothelistic entity entraining the hypostatic integration of the divine and human natures, self-assumed to be the instrument for the execution of God’s Redemptory Plan by identifying with man’s finitude in all its vagaries, to serve the Divine intentionality of the expunction of man’s ignorance over his moral realm that comprehends the moral dialectics of the positive and the negative in his existential field, his conscience, and his free will that is embedded in his consciousness, and the entrenchment of moral intelligence in him, through His gospel teachings.
The preceding, essentially, establishes the primacy of Christ Jesus in the moral realm of mankind and affirms the default moral positivity of man’s conscience, and the elevation of his material finitude to divine heights, as well as the atonement for his depravities and moral shortcomings in space and time through His substitutionary salvifici doloris as the Agnus Dei in the ultimate sacrifice of crucifixion by assuming all her iniquities to Himself due to his cognitive inadequacy about the divine moral norm of righteousness and consequent fallenness.