Lisa Beinborn is an Assistant Professor for Natural Language Processing at the Computational Linguistics and Text Mining Lab at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She studied Computational Linguistics in Saarbrücken, Barcelona, and Bolzano, and obtained her PhD in Computer Science at TU Darmstadt. Her research focuses on cognitively plausible language processing and cross-lingual models. She works on the interpretability of representational transfer and is interested in educational applications of NLP.
Nora Hollenstein is currently working at the Center for Language Technology of the University of Copenhagen and at the Department of Computational Linguistics of the University of Zurich. She obtained her PhD from ETH Zurich working on cognitively inspired NLP. The focus of her research lies in improving and evaluating natural language processing applications with cognitive signals such as eye-tracking and brain activity recordings. She is especially interested in multilingual and multimodal NLP