Material Success Through Yoga Principles
Are you satisfied with your life as it is? Do you want to keep pushing forward, armed only with grit and determination? Or would you like to learn how to align your will with the power of the universe?
This book can transform your life at its core. This is the opportunity that stands before you now. Material Success through Yoga Principles is in a sense, an autobiography of perseverance and loyalty to principle until success is achieved. Swami Kriyananda’s own life is proof that these principles work. And the successful lives of thousands he has influenced show that these principles can be of benefit to anyone who learns and uses them.
Many people, Paramhansa Yogananda said, fail to succeed in life for lack of what he called "spiritual adventurousness." Successful people are those who have the imagination, and the courage, to embrace new ways of doing things, even if others scoff, or turn away.