This book provides General Relativity problems to be tackled both analytically and symbolically-numerically with the Mathematica software. In the first case, the reader is guided in setting up the appropriate solutions. In the second case, the reader is provided with very illustrative notebooks to carry out the steps necessary to solve a General Relativity problem. These include the calculation of the Christoffel symbols, Riemann, Ricci, Einstein and energy-momentum tensors, as well as the resolution of the field equations of General Relativity in different astrophysical/cosmological contexts, with and without the introduction of a cosmological constant. This study guide should be used alongside existing textbooks to provide additional learning and engagement opportunities for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in physics and astrophysics taking courses on general relativity. It may also be of interest to mathematics students interested in celestial mechanics and space sciences.
A number of the Mathematica codes used in this book can be accessed online here; [INSERT URL WHEN AVAILABLE]
Key Features:
- Promotes the "learning by doing" approach, guiding the student in the building of the mathematical apparatus necessary to solve problems in General Relativity.
- Encourages the development of analytical skills to address and solve specific and challenging problems in General Relativity.
- Develops symbolic-numerical skills to address problems (often already solved analytically) so that the reader is prepared to attack even more elaborate calculations in General Relativity.