Emerging Paradigms for Antibiotic-Resistant Infections: Beyond the Pill

Emerging Paradigms for Antibiotic-Resistant Infections: Beyond the Pill

  • 定價:14999

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Dr. Mayank Gangwar

Dr. Mayank is working at viral research and diagnostic laboratory, department of microbiology, institute of medical sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. He is a Ph.D. in pharmacology with over 10+ years of research experience and holds an M.Pharm degree in the same field. His expertise encompasses drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, microbiology, parasitology, virology, and drug-drug interactions. Driven by a passion for advancing scientific knowledge, he has established himself as a highly influential figure in pharmacological as well as virology research and has published various research papers. Known for his collaborative approach, he actively engages in conferences and workshops to foster interdisciplinary collaboration. Dr. Mayank’s unwavering dedication to improving human health through his research continues to inspire researchers worldwide.

Dr. Gopal Nath

Dr. Gopal Nath is a distinguished microbiology professor at the department of microbiology, institute of medical sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India with expertise in bacteriophage therapy and gastrointestinal infection. He has various publications in his name. After completing his MBBS, MD, Ph.D. in microbiology, he focused on utilizing bacteriophages as therapeutic agents against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Their postdoctoral research pioneered the application of bacteriophage therapy and opened new avenues for targeted antimicrobial treatments. As a professor, they mentored aspiring microbiologists and continued ground-breaking research. Dr. Gopal Nath publications cover diverse topics, including the isolation of novel bacteriophages and innovative therapeutic strategies. They are a sought-after speaker at international conferences, have served on editorial boards, and received prestigious awards for their significant contributions. Driven by their passion and expertise, they have become aleading figure in bacteriophage therapy, inspiring advancements in microbiology and offering hope in the battle against antibiotic resistance.



  • ISBN:9789819752713
  • 規格:精裝 / 832頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 4.6 cm / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【自然科普、電腦資訊】遠流暢銷電子書展|單本79折、兩本75折









  • 國際書展
  • 爸媽英文分級班
  • 2024