Photovoltaic Module Cooling Techniques: Types, Applications, Assessment Methods, and Current and Future Challenges offers an up-to-date central resource covering the latest photovoltaic module cooling techniques and their application, performance assessment methods, and the current and future challenges of these techniques. The book begins by introducing photovoltaic technology before reviewing existing types and applications of PV cooling techniques and their effects on performance. Subsequent chapters examine in detail various methods and approaches, including temperature dependent PV efficiency and power difference factors, PV cooling technique production cost effectiveness factor, the use of power ratio for evaluating performance of PV coolers when different PV reference power values are used, lifespan effectiveness factor and critical mass flow rate for evaluating performance of cooling techniques, and the definition and use of energy per weight, volume and area factors for assessing performance. A final chapter discusses current and future challenges, considering technical, economic, and social factors, and provides recommendations for future development. This book is of interest to all those working on photovoltaics performance, efficiency, and development, including researchers, advanced students, faculty, engineers, R&D, manufacturers, designers, and policy makers.