Thirteen-year-old Danny Piper-Adams’ life is turned upside down when his famous environmentalist father mysteriously vanishes in Cape Town, South Africa. Months later, Danny visits his eccentric Uncle Will, a reclusive yet brilliant scientist who has been working on a secret project: TIM, a time-travelling pod disguised as an extraordinary buggy. Alongside new friends Spike and Charley, Danny soon realises that TIM may be the key to finding his father.
Their search hurls them into the future, but time travel has been made illegal, and unapproved trips are ruthlessly enforced by the Time Intelligence Agency (TIA) and deadly bounty hunters with one mission: to destroy all "rogue travellers." Their journey catapults them to a futuristic London and beyond, where they must escape dangerous hunters and Mr O, a powerful figure intent on keeping history unaltered to protect his O-Zone empire.
As Danny, Spike, and Charley navigate this perilous future, they encounter environmental rebels who see TIM as a beacon of hope to prevent a global climate catastrophe. Now, torn between rescuing his father and potentially saving the planet, Danny must make a heart-wrenching decision that could alter history.
Join Danny on an electrifying journey filled with time travel, environmental intrigue, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship in the first book of the Rogue Travellers series. Will Danny change the future or save his father? The fate of the world hangs in the balance.