In 1980, sixteen-year-old Molly and her mother move to a new town, triggering her mum’s already fragile mental health to spiral out of control. Strangers in a strange place, the townspeople do their best to help, but the challenges run deep. Molly’s parents had separated when she was five, leaving her older brother, David, as their mum’s primary carer. Both siblings endured bullying at school, while weekends were spent working alongside their mother - often unpaid. The routine involved travelling to distant towns, working through the day, followed by wining and dining in the evening, and then sleeping in the car. Early the next morning, the cycle would repeat, with David and Molly bearing the brunt of their mother’s erratic moods. David, rebellious and worn down, eventually left home, leaving nine-year-old Molly to become her mother’s sole carer. Now, she must face the daunting task of managing her mother’s instability alone. How will Molly cope with the weight of her new responsibilities? Will she and her mum receive the help they so desperately need? And what role will her absent father play in their lives? This deeply personal and poignant true story recounts Molly’s highly unusual and challenging early life, offering a raw and moving glimpse into resilience and survival.