This is the second edition of a divinely inspired nonfiction book that the author was compelled to write in 2020. It contains foundational information regarding the war that human beings are born into. God and Satan exist, and they are very active in human lives. Satan and his forces of evil are the cause of much of the human conflict that we have today, including threats of global nuclear war, heinous crimes, racism and xenophobia, political strife, etc. Imagine the unprecedented benefits that we can all enjoy by bringing humanity together to improve our world!
In New Proof of God & Satan, join the author on an adventure to overcome unprecedented hardships and risk everything to reveal lifesaving truths to the world. After being enlisted by God in an ingenious plan to deceive and infuriate Satan into revealing himself in a photograph for the first time in history, the author must navigate various challenges and preparations in order to go public. Confronted directly by Satan multiple times, including direct threats and verbalizations, and even invasion of the author’s conference calls, the author derived strength from God, which enabled the creation of this book.