This adventurous story of three school friends is packed with humor and perfect for kids aged 7-12. Set in the present day, the book features lots of engaging dialogue and has minimal lengthy paragraphs. While the suspense and laughter make it a fast and fun read, the math concepts embedded in the story makes it easy to learn times tables the fun way.
*FUN & LEARNING GUARANTEED*- Develops logical and problem-solving skills
- Imparts STEM skills for kids aged 7,8,9,10,11,12 (Grade 2 to 7)
- Enhances focus & creates confidence in Math
- Inbuilt tips & tricks to learn and memorize multiplication tables easily
- Also contains Times tables from 1 to 12 and 12 X 12 multiplication table games
"Learning through fun is the most powerful teaching method. This edge-of-the-seat thriller will take students to a high level of proficiency in multiplication." - Dr. Deepak Rajendraprasad, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology "I felt like the story was happening in my own school. The multiplication ideas and the games helped me learn the tables easily." - Sophia, 9 year old, San Francisco "My daughter has read the book multiple times. The humor and the story build up keep kids hooked till the end." - Amy John, Parent of 11 year old, London Get on the mystery chase and learn the multiplication tables. Get the best GIFT for kids NOW!