50 Great City Walks offers ideas and destinations for the independent traveler looking for inspiration. This book features 50 day walks you can take in urban areas around the country, from New York to Honolulu.
- Viewing sites as apedestrian allows you to move at your own pace as you explore, and 50 Great City Walks provides suggestions for where to go and what to see in America’s biggest cities.
- Discover history, architecture, memorials, museums, state capitol buildings, urban parks like Portland’s Washington Park and Houston’s Hermann Park, waterways, sculptures, and gardens!
- Visit historic sites in Philadelphia, Boston, St. Augustine, and Albuquerque.
- Stroll along river walks in Chicago, San Antonio, and Tampa; down iconic roads like Broadway in Nashville and the Las Vegas Strip; and on mixed-use trails like the High Line in New York and the Scioto Trail in Columbus.
- Hardcover, 144 pages.