If you love to travel and are an admirer of one of the most popular American magazines in circulation, you’ll enjoy this agenda which is filled with some of the best travel-themed covers from The New Yorker.
Since 1925, covers from The New Yorker have evoked emotion, sparked ideas, and elicited laughter. The New Yorker 2026 Monthly/Weekly Agenda features full-color, travel-themed art from the magazine, spanning the last one hundred years and showcasing the distinct art styles of the amazing artists. Whether it’s a mother and daughter on a beach walk gazing out to sea as seen through the eyes of Gayle Kabaker, or a glimpse of the city’s unique light and shadow, as immortalized by Arthur Getz, every New Yorker cover is a work of art, as well a piece of cultural history. The agenda’s weekly pages provide plenty of space to record meetings, appointments, and vacations, or to jot down notes.
Other features include:
- 6" x 8" (12" x 16" open)
- Spiral bound
- Sturdy softcover
- Printed on FSC-certified paper with soy-based ink
- Calendar lays flat when open
- 12-month planner: January-December 2026
- Weekly planning pages for 2026 to keep track of events, appointments, and meetings
- Full-color artwork on each weekly spread
- Space at the back for 2027 planning and to jot down special days, names and numbers, and notes
- Pocket at the back to store papers, notes, or receipts
- Year-at-a-glance pages for 2025, 2026, and 2027
- Official major world holidays and observances
- Moon phases, based on Universal Time
- A full-color, travel-themed magazine cover from The New Yorker on each weekly spread