KING KONG 第16期 (多封面隨機出)

KING KONG 第16期 (多封面隨機出)


  • 雜誌名稱:KING KONG    新功能介紹
  • 刊別:季刊
  • 出版地區:德國
  • 語言:英文
  • 出版社:瑪蒂雅
  • 上架日期:2023/12/04
  • 定價:1940
  • 優惠價:3582
  • 優惠期限:2024年10月30日止
  • 優惠折扣2024雜誌週年慶!10/1結帳滿888再9折(不含訂閱)
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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Heav3n is very much a place on earth, and its home is in the US of A…LA to be exact. It‘s a community, a group, a collective of performers, singers, dancers, all actors in the theatre of life. The cabaret of existence. Together – including their audience of followers – they perform a showcase of the meaningful absurd which twists and turns the highlights of American pop culture icon. Superheroes or supervillains party at a concert that creates a valid reflection of today‘s youth Zeitgeist. It ain‘t pretty, it’s fucking fabulous.
There’s a hint of danger in our shoot of actor, singer, songwriter Deacon Phillippe. And that’s the way it should be in the year he turns 20. A new decade deserves a reboot. Ditch the teenage angst, and repurpose that energy with a knowing sensuality. Having had real success with both his music and acting, there’s plenty of time to deepen and expand what he’s already doing, or to forge something new. There’s a refreshing openness about acknowledging his cinematic heritage. Theres’s everything to play for when you use what you’ve got in the right way in his bold and most fearless shoot to date…
Explore the American Dream through the skateboarding skills of entrepreneur Tyshawn Jones. Born in the Bronx with New York as his playground, Tyshawn at 24 has achieved the heights in not just skateboarding as a sport, but expanding it into a cultural form. It’s a way of life – much more than mere lifestyle – and also a way of dressing. His own clothing range Hardies sets the pace of his style. He once said, he used skateboarding as a relief from loneliness, well this photo shoot shows him alone, relaxed, and supremely at home with the world.
Grammy award nominee singer Omar Apollo is a great example of the cultural blender which is the USA – he was born to Mexican parents, and grew up in Indiana. His musical heritage has many roots and his appeal global. Our photoshoot references the strength of Tom of Finland, the complexity of Fassbinder, both expertly blended in the United States. A mix of hot cool and longing filtered and enhanced by the artist’s lens. After all leather is a second skin, a protection, communicating both keep your distance and come hither. We’re all voyeurs, watching him change outfits – material masculinity in every sensual and consensual sense. Gay iconography repurposed for the modern male gaze.


說King Kong Magazine是藝術家的聖經是一點也不為過的,雖然內容有許多訪談和散文,但真正的重頭戲是落在圖像上。每期包含許多具有特殊才華的設計師和服飾,與視覺藝術作品相呼應。這本半年刊的編輯目的,就是要將美的概念傳達出去。旨在恢復1980~90年代的雜誌美學,吸引喜愛The Face以及Toilet Paper的核心讀者。對圖像的美從不設限,只想做藝術。另外還值得一提的是此刊物的藝術設計總監來自於台灣之子。




  • 條碼:7660170111949




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