Principles of Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management provides a comprehensive, systematic, an......more
Blend logistics theory with practical applications as you offer students a refined focus on the supply chain approach wi......more
Focusing on the latest management trends, Transformational HRM Practices for Hong Kong provides HR professionals with a ......more
Appropriate for both undergraduates and MBA students, Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases, 8e......more
For courses in decision support systems, computerized decision-making tools, and management support systems. Market-le......more
Crawford s New Product Management 12e provides the management approach to teaching new products, with the perspective of......more
1. New - Career Guides in each chapter let students read firsthand accounts from people working in information systems j......more
本書包羅了資訊生態、資訊足跡、科技價值、資訊科技治理(IT governance)、資訊風險管理、資訊外包、董事會的角色、資訊治理( Information governance)等議題。這些都是資管重要議題,如龍兄旁徵博引,加入...more
Cachon Operations Management 2e is designed for undergraduate students taking an introductory course in Operations Manag......more
The fourth edition of Essentials of Financial Management continues to provide students with a focused understanding of t......more
一、架構完整,層次分明:本書以系統式的架構寫出完整的財務理論體系,足供學術界及實務界人士作為教學之用或參考的工具書,教學自修兩相宜。 二、文字淺顯,敘述清晰:本書用字遣詞淺顯而易讀,描述理...more
一、財團法人及公益社團法人的基本概念 1.財團法人的定義及特性 2.財團法人與社團法人差異比較 3.各類財團法人設立所依據的法規 4.中央主管機關監督財團法人的法規及重要內容 二、財團法人的租...more
『Primavera P6 專案管理實務及應用』是撰述有關專案管理軟體 Primavera P6 的書籍,本書除了介紹 Primavera P6 R8.3.2 之功能及操作方法外,更將理論與實務融合,闡述執行專案管理之理論基礎與實務應用。...more
【精實革命:消除浪費、創造獲利的有效方法(十週年紀念版)】 庫存太多,永遠是管理者心中的痛!而各種形式的庫存,其實就是「浪費」。 本書以豐田生產方式(TPS)和及時生產(JIT)為基礎,徹底剖析精實生...more
Key Features 1.Coverage reflects trends in the business world and HRM function within organizations and addresses spec......more
1.Chapter-opening vignettes drawn from real-world events introduce students to the chapter concepts. 2.Chapter learnin......more
《溫伯格的軟體管理學》一套四冊,主題分別是: 一、 系統化思考(Systems Thinking)、 二、 第一級評量(First-Order Measurement)、 三、 關照全局的管理作為(Congruent Actio......more
Description Designing and Managing the Supply Chain, 3/e provides state-of-the-art models, concepts, and solution meth......more
本書針對管理科學的學生以及需要研習如何使用電腦模擬研究的實務人員,主要著重在資訊系統與模型模擬內容;全書可大致劃分為三大部分: Part I. 屬於電腦模擬的基礎入門介紹;在內容表達上謹慎採取不過度...more
本書偏重於工程導向,在統計技術之應用上,力求以簡易方式表達,因此,只要有微積分、基本統計學基礎的讀者將可很容易閱讀此書。 本書撰寫之目的在使讀者能充分了解品質管理和品質改善之觀念和技巧,並...more