Fundamentals of Corporate Finance was designed and developed for a first course in business or corporate finance, for bo......more
In response to evolving economic and competitive landscapes, this book underscores the increasing importance of focusing......more
Advances in computing technology, particularly in science and business, have increased the need for more statistical sci......more
Fundamentals of Financial Accounting introduces students to financial accounting using a balanced mix of conversational ......more
一、隨時針對最新發佈之國際財務報導準則,整理其精華要點,並作必要之舉例與解析,使初學者及參加考試者均能及時獲得時事新知,並以最有效率之方式達到學習效果。 二、各章開始均有一頁關於全章架構之...more
本書力求易教易學,易懂難忘,完整包括管理會計學之內容,並加強解說管理決策相關應用及其最新發展,全書具備下列優點: 一、說理清晰簡明,力屏繁雜,使教學雙方均能專注於各章學習重點。 二、各章節...more
The market-leading undergraduate investments textbook, Essentials of Investments by Bodie, Kane, and Marcus, continually......more
Dive into the heart of economics with our Principles of Economics 2024 Release. We strip away unnecessary details, focus......more
Brewer s Introduction to Managerial Accounting has earned a reputation as the most accessible and readable book on the m......more
From its origins in 1976, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics has become a best seller, providing students ......more
Accounting Information Systems 4e covers the four roles for accountants with respect to information technology: users of......more
Investments set the standardas a graduate (MBA) text intended primarily for courses in investment analysis.The guiding p......more
1.Builds Student Interest by engaging and motivating students by presenting accounting in the context of recognizable co......more
Auditing and Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach, the definitive introductory text on auditing, focuses on the au......more
The latest edition in the Principles of Corporate Finance dynasty, the 14th edition continues in its tradition of showin......more
一、將國際財務報導準則完全融入課文或其後附錄中,使各主題之學習能夠一貫而完整。 二、課文中增加「TIFRS資訊觀測站」,就國內法令與國際財務報導準則差異部分加以說明。 三、課文中增加「EAS大不同...more
一、將國際財務報導準則完全融入課文或其後附錄中,使各主題之學習能夠一貫而完整。 二、課文中增加「TIFRS資訊觀測站」,就國內法令與國際會計準則差異部分予以說明。 三、課文中增加「EAS大不同」,...more
本書特色 本書是以我國已發布國際財務報導準則中文版為撰寫依據,並參考我國企業併購法等相關之規定。 本書使用之會計科目係引用我國行政院金融監督管理委員會於民國111 年11 月24 日最新發布修正之...more
一、將國際財務報導準則完全融入課文或其後附錄中,使各主題之學習能夠一貫而完整。 二、課文中增加「TIFRS資訊觀測站」,就國內法令與國際財務報導準則差異部分加以說明。 三、課文中增加「EAS大不同...more
統計方法經常要面對數值計算,然而今日科技如此進步,已開發有各種統計軟體,學生在學習統計方法時當不至於感到霧煞煞了。 但是在學習統計方法處理問題時,最常令人感到困擾的是: 「收集到的數據要選...more
Corporate Finance: Core was developed for the graduate (MBA) level as a concise, up-to-date, and to-the-point product, t......more
As the #1 best-sellerin Managerial Accounting, the 18th edition of Garrison/Noreen/Brewer s ManagerialAccounting continu......more
Saunders and Cornett s Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach provides an innovative approach tha......more
International Financial Management provides students with a foundation for analysis through a text that is well-organize......more
Optimize your outcomes. With McConnell/Brue/Flynn, improving outcomes has never been simpler. If given the chance to wor......more
This updated Fifth Edition of Damodar N. Gujarati s classic text provides a user-friendly overview of the basics of econ......more
Like its predecessors, the thirteenth edition of Analysis for Financial Management is for nonfinancial executives and bu......more
From its origins in 1976, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics has become a best seller, providing students ......more
Financial Accounting is written with the Asian student and student using International Financial Reporting Standards (IF......more
The emphasis of Managerial Accounting, 13th edition, is on teaching students to use accounting information to best manag......more
Principles of Financial Accounting, 3rd edition, continues to provide leading accounting content that engages and motiva......more
本書特色 1. 本書是以我國已發布國際財務報導準則中文版為撰寫依據,並參考我國企業併購法等相關之規定。 2. 本書使用之會計科目係引用我國行政院金融監督管理委員會於民國111 年11 月24 日最新發布...more
本書作者Frederic S. Mishkin現任美國哥倫比亞大學教授,研究領域是貨幣政策及其對金融市場與總體經濟的影響;作者曾於2006~2008年間擔任美國聯準會理事,且為多國央行與國際金融機構之顧問。本書從經濟學...more
本書不但可以厚植讀者的深度,亦可增加廣度,是一本教學、自修兩相宜的大專教科書。授課老師可依照原著作者的建議來進行教學,因為材料豐富且具有下列三大特色: 完整性:就統計的實驗設計而言,以編譯...more
For undergraduate courses in corporate finance or financial management. Help students practice and connect to real-wor......more
本書第二版自 2019 年 8 月改版以來,承蒙許多師長採用作為上課的教材,期間許多師生對本書的疏漏提供指正及建議,後學不勝感荷,在此先致上萬分的謝意。 雖然從上次改版至今尚未滿三年,然而台灣這一、兩...more
一、針對最新發布之國際財務報導準則,整理其精華要點,並作必要之舉例與解析,使初學者及參加考試者均能及時獲得時事新知,並以最有效率之方式達到學習效果。 二、各章開始均有一頁關於全章架構之分層...more
Brealey, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 11e, is an introduction to corporate finance focusing on how companies inves......more
Essentials of Corporate Finance focuses on what undergraduate students with widely varying backgrounds need to carry awa......more
Developing Skills for the classroom and beyond: Fundamentals of Cost Accounting lets the student see the development of ......more
Authors Eric Noreen, Peter Brewer, and Ray Garrison have crafted a streamlined Managerial Accounting book that is perfec......more
一、隨時針對最新發佈之國際財務報導準則,整理其精華要點,並作必要之舉例與解析,使初學者及參加考試者均能及時獲得時事新知,並以最有效率之方式達到學習效果。 二、各章開始均有一頁關於全章架構之...more
Financial Accounting provides: 1。 The best method to help students understand financial statements and real-world imp......more
1. Written for the introductory corporate finance course at the MBA level and intermediate courses in many undergraduate......more
International Economics: Theory and Policy provides engaging, balanced coverage of the key concepts and practical applic......more
一、設計課程結構 1.第一部分介紹審計學專業及審計學理論之核心觀念,使學生熟悉審計決策之邏輯推理、舉證法則。其次引導其熟悉主要作業流程、建立系統觀念,俾理解內部控制原理,進而對風險控管與審計...more
IASB 於2018 年修訂通過新的「財務報導之觀念架構(Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting」,並自2020 年1 月1 日起開始適用。該觀念架構係IASB 在制定「國際財務報導準則(I......more
Now in its 14th edition, Statistics for Business and Economics by McClave, Benson, and Sincich places statistics in the ......more
Basic Statistics in Business and Economics offers a step-by-step approach to introductory descriptive and inferential st......more
The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets brings a fresh perspective to today s major questions surrounding ......more
本書為《管理會計》(Managerial Accounting, Hilton)第十二版中譯書,除詳細介紹管理會計基本的核心知能與應用,並在各章主題中導引相關的企業實務,使讀者能將理論與實務做一鏈結貫通。透過基本管理會計...more
1.除了介紹經濟學的基本概念,還嘗試納入一些日常生活的現象,希望讀者能夠更瞭解經濟學的運用。 2.儘量以發生在國內的經濟事件或議題,作為實例與應用;也常引用政府當局出版的統計數據。 3.除了全...more
Acquire the key mathematical skills you need to master and succeed in economics. Essential Mathematics for Economic An......more
The 22nd edition of Principles of Auditing & Other Assurance Services provides a carefully balanced presentation of audi......more
本書暢銷多年,訓練學生利用專業成本會計獲取利益並迎接挑戰。新版改版重點有: 一、討論買賣業與服務業的比重增加:配合世界經濟,增加買賣業與服務業的案例。例如以支付雲端計算服務說明線性成本函數...more
3rd edition continues to provide leading accounting content that engages and motivates students. With its step-by-step a......more
審計委員會參考指引,協助獨董發揮職能與創造價值。更是公司治理主管及議事人員必備參考工具。 金管會規定,2022年起所有上市櫃公司都將設置審計委員會,取代過往監察人制度,中華公司治理協會出版《審...more
In the fourth edition of Business Statistics, we have made substantial revisions that address the current needs of the m......more
Frank et. al. focuses on core principles to produce economic naturalists through active learning. By eliminating overwhe......more
Accounting Information Systems delivers the most unprecedented coverage of each major approach to teaching AIS, giving i......more
As auditors, we are trained to investigate beyond appearances to determine the underlying facts—in other words, to look ......more
1.Economic Naturalism: Bob Frank encourages students to become Economic Naturalists to use economic principles to expl......more
Economic Development is the leading textbook in this field, providing a complete and balanced introduction to the requis......more
Horngren’s Cost Accounting spells out the cost accounting market and continues to innovate by consistently integrating t......more
這是一本講道理的高等會計學。 高等會計學是一門突破慣例與假設的會計學。會計學原理建構會計運作的四大慣例:企業個體慣例、繼續經營慣例、貨幣評價慣例、會計期間慣例。這些慣例讓會計制度順利執行,...more
Games of Strategy is beloved by students and instructors alike for its flexible organisation, focus on problem-solving a......more
Improve YOUR world. Dean Karlan and Jonathan Morduch’s Economics 3e is built around the central concept that economics i......more
Provides 1-2 semesters of business analytics content that takes a holistic approach to data analytics. Includes a real l......more
本書特色 當代中級會計學自2013年初版之後,國際會計準則理事會(IASB)又發表了三號非常重要的國際財務報導準則 (IFRS),分別如下: IFRS9「金融工具」 IFRS15「客戶合約之收入」 IFRS16「租賃」 ...more
Fundamentals of Investments is aimed at the introductory investments class with students who have relatively little fami......more
Cecchetti& Schoenholtz s Money, Banking, and Financial Markets 6estays relevant and interesting through the product s un......more
Environmental Economics, 8th edition provides an introduction to the basic principles of economics as they relate to the......more
Comprehensive coverage of mathematical statistics – with a proven approach Introduction to Mathematical Statistics by ......more
Equip your students for success in international finance with the unrivaled depth of theory and practical applications i......more
本書架構強調將計量經濟學應用到現實世界的問題。每一個計量方法都是研究者分析非實驗性資料時,遇到某特定議題所引出的方法。本書是根據所分析資料的型態來切割主題,與其他書的傳統作法有明顯的不同。 ...more
International Economics 17e combines rigorous economic analysis with attention to the issues of economic policy that are......more
The overriding philosophy of this text is to provide the instructor with comprehensive coverage of ethical and professio......more
Today s accounting professionals are challenged to identify enterprise risks and provide quality assurance for a company......more
本書係根據Ross、Westerfield和Jordan所撰寫之《財務管理》(Fundamentals of Corporate Finance)第十二版中譯而成。中譯全書共分為七大部分,包含公司理財、財務報表與長期財務規劃、未來現金流量評......more
Accounting for Decision Making and Control provides students and managers with an understanding appreciation of the stre......more
Thomas and Maurice s goal for Managerial Economics is to teach students the economic way of thinking about business deci......more
本書係以我國適用之國際會計準則 (IAS) 與國際財務報導準則 (IFRS) 正體中文版為撰寫依據。 • 本書使用之會計科目係引用我國金融監督管理委員會發布 之「證券發行人財務報告編製準則」及臺灣證券交易所...more
本書係為初學者量身訂作,透過淺顯易懂的字句,闡述基礎財務管理的理論及概念,以逐步引導學子進入財務金融的世界。內容涵蓋完整,務求建立初學者扎實的財務金融知識根基。 本書特色 全新撰寫財報分析、...more
本書特色 •本書係以我國適用之國際會計準則(IAS)與國際財務報導準則(IFRS)正體中文版為撰寫依據。 •使用之會計科目係引用我國金融監督管理委員會發布 之「證券發行人財務報告編製準則」及臺灣證 券交...more
Written specifically for the one semester survey of economics course, Schiller’s Essentials of Economics is known for se......more
In this fourteenth edition, Statistics for Business and Economics continues to help students see the relevance of statis......more
The Fifth Edition of International Accounting provides an overview of the broadly defined area of international accounti......more
Designed for non-majors, Accounting: What the Numbers Mean, guides students through the basics: what accounting informat......more
Give students an understanding of how econometrics can answer questions in business, policy evaluation and forecasting. ......more
●國內第一本解說STaTa ——多達45 種貝葉斯迴歸分析運用的教科書。 ●STaTa+AI+Bayesian超強組合,接軌世界趨勢,讓您躋身大數據時代先驅。 ●超強統計軟體STaTa,簡單易懂,功能齊全,廣獲肯定。 ●結合...more
本書特色 •本書係以我國適用之國際會計準則 (IAS) 與國際財務報導準則 (IFRS) 正體中文版為撰寫依據。 •本書使用之會計科目係引用我國金融監督管理委員會發布 之「證券發行人財務報告編製準則」及臺灣...more