祖孫溫暖互動 x 四季迷人風景 不管是什麼季節,不管什麼天氣, 和你共度的每一天都是最棒的時光。 春天時,當你把傘撐開,我把手伸進你的臂彎,夏天時,我吃著甜甜的冰棒,你最喜歡的是檸檬汽
This challenging 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle comes together to reveal a collection of your favorite LEGO® minifigures! Whether you are a Master Builder or have just started clicking br
Harry Potter has never been the star of a Quidditch team, scoring points while riding a broom far above the ground. He knows no spells, has never helped to hatch a dragon, and has never wo
Updated with enlightening new material, this is the complete, definitive edition of Anne Frank’s diary, "the single most compelling personal account of the Holocaust" (The New York Times B
這本關於「和平」的繪本,訴說我們共同的心願 你和我,一起加入愛和友誼的隊伍, 讓我們散播和平的種子, 讓它在地球上開枝散葉,開出繁盛的花朵。 儘管有時不免劍拔弩張,我們仍齊聲
A playful introduction to careers in a community, that’s also a rhyming picture book guessing game! Perfect for kids interested in different professions around town. Who wears what to work?
每天都進步1%,一年後,你會進步37倍; 每天都退步1%,一年後,你會弱化到趨近於0! 你的一點小改變、一個好習慣,將會產生複利效應, 如滾雪球般,為你帶來豐碩的人生成果! 一出版
'This book really, really will stay with me forever. It's not only laced with the most incredible wisdom, but it's also gentle and beautiful and eloquent. It brought me so mu
A big happy frog, a plump purple cat, a handsome blue horse, and a soft yellow duck-- all parade across the pages of this delightful book. Children will immediately respond to Eric Carle
'From Morgan Housel, author of The Psychology of Money, timeless lessons about what never changes in a changing world. If you traveled in time to 500 years in the past or to 500