A deeply researched, lively, and personal exploration of the multibillion-dollar wellness industry -- about why women ar......more
Show yourself who s in charge using the original art of persuasion, backed by contemporary pop culture examples that mak......more
A powerful antidote to deadline dread, time guilt, and chronic rushing—from the New York Times bestselling author of The......more
Reject the default path, define your priorities, and achieve lasting happiness with this transformative guide to your dr......more
A myth-busting, science-based guide that addresses the timeless question of how to manage your emotional life using tool......more
The beloved relationship coach, teacher, and host of the top relationship podcast Jillian on Love reveals nine core trut......more
From bestselling author Martha Beck, a new path to overcoming anxiety by awakening the creativity within We live in a......more
A relatable personal finance guide that gives a fresh take on how to control your impulse spending so you can stick to a......more
Behavioral scientist Alison Fragale offers powerful new insights and a practical playbook for women to advance in any wo......more
Memory is far more than a record of the past. In this groundbreaking tour of the mind and brain, one of the world s top ......more
Wisdom Within is an extraordinary eighty-eight mini-card deck crafted to facilitate self-reflection and deepen self-awar......more
Discernment--the quality of mind that analyzes and perceives accurately the nature of something and then forms a thought......more
The Complete Guide to Memory Mastery will help you think more effectively to achieve long term success. The easy and eff......more
quirkyalone (kwur.kee.uh.lohn) n. adj. A person who enjoys being single (but is not opposed to being in a relationship) ......more
Discover the Japanese secret to a long and happy life with the internationally bestselling guide to ikigai. The people......more
Rules dictate every aspect of our lives. Whether they are cultural and societal norms, the expectations of those around ......more
There are some 400 million people worldwide whose creativity, imagination and determination put the rest of us to shame.......more
Following an unlikely journey from an investment bank on Wall Street to a news anchor in Mongolia. In 2006, Patricia Sex......more
Our lives are full of challenges, drawing on our reserves of physical and mental energy as we strive for what matters to......more
Do you have a strategy for success? Let Dr. John C. Maxwell, one of the top thinkers and equippers in the area of person......more
Over 80 per cent of our waking time is spent on autopilot. We all know the feeling of driving a long distance and arri......more
First published in 1977, in this extraordinarily prescient book Edward de Bono sets out his method for achieving the ult......more
Where can you find joy? What s the true measure of success? How should we manage anger? Find meaning? Conquer grief? The......more
I Am Right, You Are Wrong is THE classic work about choice in business and in life from world-renowned writer and philos......more
THE classic work about improving creativity from world-renowned writer and philosopher Edward de Bono In schools we ar......more
Others books will tell you how to do hygge. This is the only book that will show you. Though we all know the feeling o......more
Some of us start over willingly, and others are forced by circumstance-but everyone who finds herself back at square one......more
Life handed Michelle Jacobi a challenge. At 29 years old, after giving birth to her third son, she was diagnosed with Mu......more
來自最幸福的國度 溫暖的丹麥式“Hygge“慢活藝術 丹麥文Hygge(讀音hooga)是丹麥式生活的精神象徵,卻難以用單字翻譯。丹麥幸福研究機構執行長Meik試著描述: 「Hygge是親密感的營造、舒緩靈魂並欣賞事...more
What would it be like to have the necessary tools to confidently navigate through the uncertain waters of life? What can......more
Can you make yourself smarter? Scientists have always believed that the one thing that couldn t improve was intelligen......more
These 101 revealing stories will show you how to use the power of gratitude to change your life Learn how to use thankfu......more
Is your life how you imagined it would be, or is the reality more stressful than you planned? Do you put yourself under ......more
Are You a Fangirl? - Do you survive boring classes or meetings by imagining your favorite TV couple making out? - Have y......more
Feeling rich is the difference between just existing and being gloriously, deeply, passionately alive, living the very b......more
Games are made up of structured but unpredictable situations, with rules and variables and competition, and they produce......more
A sympathetic illustrated guide to learning to live with your mind--even when it tries to trick you. Most of us spend ou......more
Is it possible to be a master of your reality? To be happy, and create an amazing life despite your circumstances? Hell ......more
You can explore this journal and develop a deep, enlightened understanding of yourself through doodling, and collaging, ......more
Therapeutic tools for fighting the anxiety, fear, and depression caused by stress We work too much, sleep too little, l......more
喜悅之必要,冥想之必要 15 秒提升內心能量 讓喜悅久留心中,持續綿延 萬眾矚目!《搜尋你內心的關鍵字》作者新書,?發每個人潛藏的喜悅力! 喜悅是一種持續的狀態,灌溉我們創新所需的靈感及創造力,也...more
Fuimos creados para vivir y no para existir. Todos nuestros errores esconden la semilla de las grandes oportunidades. Lo......more
This is aimed at teenagers and under 25s who make computer games, but often struggle to source the music for their work.......more
An inspiring devotional for women everywhere--from celebrated public speaker, spiritual leader, and former Ambassador-at......more
An accessible guide from an expert on Mindfulness on how to get the most out of meditation--and make the practice a perm......more
Matthew gets to Heaven believing he was a complete loser during his life on Earth: failed musician career in spite of a ......more
最受企業人士歡迎的情緒課, 教你建立快速調整思緒的新能力, 做自己情緒的主人! ★2016年亞馬遜商管類10大好書 ★2016年美好人生書獎(心理學類) ★2016年商業書評網800-CEO-READ 年度編輯選書 ★201....more
「把覺睡好」,是我們最迫切需要的一場社會革命 赫芬頓郵報共同創辦人阿里安娜.赫芬頓(Arianna Huffington)說,我們正處於睡眠遭剝奪的危機之中,而這對我們有深刻影響,包括健康、工作表現、人際關係甚...more
Tap Your Personal Power and Thrive Have you ever hoped to recapture the powerful sense of aliveness you ve felt at the b......more
Stepping into your authentic life can be difficult. There are pitfalls of ego, of convenience, of modern society s press......more
Even after years of spiritual practice, self-improvement, or therapy, many of us still have trouble with one essential c......more