

New Testament for Everyone Complete Eighteen-Volume Set: 20th Anniversary Edition with Study Guide

New Testament for Everyone Complete Eighteen-Volume Set: 20th Anniversary Edition with Study Guide

Embark on an illuminating journey through the New Testament with the complete eighteen-volume set of the bestselling New......more

Politics of the Oberammergau Passion Play: Tradition as Trademark

Politics of the Oberammergau Passion Play: Tradition as Trademark

This collection provides a comprehensive overview of the Oberammergau Passion play and its history from the 19th century......more

His Blood be Upon Us: Completion and Condemnation in Matthew’s Gospel

His Blood be Upon Us: Completion and Condemnation in Matthew’s Gospel

The book explores the antisemitic potential of Matthew’s Gospel in the Christian New Testament. It begins with a detaile......more

Abraham, Ancestry, and Ethnicity in Luke’s Gospel: From These Stones

Abraham, Ancestry, and Ethnicity in Luke’s Gospel: From These Stones

Abraham, Ancestry, and Ethnicity in Luke’s Gospel: From These Stones explores how Luke employs ancestry-especially desce......more

The Johannine Community in Contemporary Debate

The Johannine Community in Contemporary Debate

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-07-24

This volume offers new proposals for understanding the emergence of the Johannine Literature, building upon existing per......more

Character Studies in the Gospel of Matthew

Character Studies in the Gospel of Matthew

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-03-21

This volume examines a multitude of characters in Matthew’s gospel and provides an in-depth look at the different approa......more

They Suffered Under Pontius Pilate: Jewish Anti-Roman Resistance and the Crosses at Golgotha

They Suffered Under Pontius Pilate: Jewish Anti-Roman Resistance and the Crosses at Golgotha

The Gospel reports about several men crucified under Pilate seem to have a reliable core. Taking seriously into account ......more

A Synoptic Christology of Lament: The Lord Who Answered and the Lord Who Cried

A Synoptic Christology of Lament: The Lord Who Answered and the Lord Who Cried

A Synoptic Christology of Lament explores the Christological implications of the way the Evangelists portray Jesus as so......more

The Massacre of the Innocents: Studies in the Cultural Afterlife of a Gospel Scene

The Massacre of the Innocents: Studies in the Cultural Afterlife of a Gospel Scene

This book examines fifty instances from the afterlife of Matthew’s "Massacre of the Innocents." Warren Carter argues tha......more

Markan Typology: Miracle, Scripture and Christology in Mark 4:35-6:45

Markan Typology: Miracle, Scripture and Christology in Mark 4:35-6:45

Responding to the belief that typology was a later development of the early church, and not applicable to the earliest c......more

Encountering the Parables in Contexts Old and New

Encountering the Parables in Contexts Old and New

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-09-22

The contributors to this book pursue three important lines of inquiry into parable study, in order to illustrate how the......more

The Formal Education of the Author of Luke-Acts

The Formal Education of the Author of Luke-Acts

Steve Reece proposes that the author of Luke-Acts was trained as a youth in the primary and secondary Greek educational ......more

Luke in His Own Words: A Study of the Language of Luke-Acts in Greek

Luke in His Own Words: A Study of the Language of Luke-Acts in Greek

Jenny Read-Heimerdinger examines the language of Luke-Acts, exploring aspects of Luke’s use of Greek that traditional ap......more

The Moral Life According to the Gospel of Mark

The Moral Life According to the Gospel of Mark

M. John-Patrick O’Connor proposes that - in contrast to recent contemporary scholarship that rarely focuses on the ethic......more

Patristic Perspectives on Luke’s Transfiguration: Interpreting Vision

Patristic Perspectives on Luke’s Transfiguration: Interpreting Vision

Peter Anthony explores how visionary elements in Luke’s Gospel had a particular influence on early interpretation of the......more

John, Jesus, and History, Volume 4

John, Jesus, and History, Volume 4

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-09-20

John, Jesus, and History, Volume 4: Jesus Remembered in the Johannine Situation addresses the narrative development of t......more

Rhetoric and the Synoptic Problem

Rhetoric and the Synoptic Problem

Rhetoric and the Synoptic Problem tackles the question of literary relationship between the New Testament synoptic gospe......more

A Case Frame Study of the Text of the Gospel of Mark: With Grammar and Lexicon of Predicators

A Case Frame Study of the Text of the Gospel of Mark: With Grammar and Lexicon of Predicators

Paul Danove presents a case frame grammar and lexicon for the Gospel of Mark, with three major goals. He first provides ......more

John 1-6: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary

John 1-6: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary

In this ICC Martin de Boer provides an introduction and commentary on chapters 1-6 of John’s Gospel. de Boer sets out to......more

Resolving the Tension of Jesus’s Mission in Matthew’s Ancient Biography

Resolving the Tension of Jesus’s Mission in Matthew’s Ancient Biography

Jerry D. Breen argues that reading Matthew, and all the Gospels, as ancient biography is the necessary next step for Gos......more

Locating the Kingdom of God: Performing Sacred Boundaries

Locating the Kingdom of God: Performing Sacred Boundaries

This book offers a new, multidisciplinary way of thinking about the Kingdom of God which fully recognises its sociologic......more

Luke’s Characters in Their Jewish World: Being Theophilus

Luke’s Characters in Their Jewish World: Being Theophilus

Jenny Read-Heimerdinger explores the characters of Luke-Acts in order to situate them in the Jewish world to which they ......more

The Colonization of Land in Matthew’s Gospel: A Land Promised

The Colonization of Land in Matthew’s Gospel: A Land Promised

In The Colonization of Land in Matthew’s Gospel, Maziel Barreto Dani proposes that land is constructed as a colonized an......more

Fanfiction and Early Christian Writings: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Canon

Fanfiction and Early Christian Writings: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Canon

What can contemporary media fandoms, like Anne Rice, Star Wars, Batman, or Sherlock Holmes, tell us about ancient Christ......more

Jesus and Yhwh-Texts in the Synoptic Gospels

Jesus and Yhwh-Texts in the Synoptic Gospels

Scott Brazil examines the frequent practice of applying Old Testament YHWH-texts to Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels. He ar......more

Intergroup Conflict, Recategorization, and Identity Construction in Acts: Breaking the Cycle of Slander, Labeling and Violence

Intergroup Conflict, Recategorization, and Identity Construction in Acts: Breaking the Cycle of Slander, Labeling and Violence

Hyun Ho Park employs social identity to create the first thorough analysis via such methodology of Acts 21:17-23:35, whi......more

The Gospel of the Son of God: Psalm 2 and Mark’s Narrative Christology

The Gospel of the Son of God: Psalm 2 and Mark’s Narrative Christology

James M. Neumann proposes that there is far more at work in Mark’s portrayal of Jesus as Son of God, and what it means f......more

Jesus as Teacher in the Gospel of Matthew

Jesus as Teacher in the Gospel of Matthew

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-08-24

Inspired by the work of Richard France and his highly influential Matthew: Evangelist and Teacher, Charles L. Quarles an......more

Purity in the Gospel of John: Early Jewish Tradition, Christology, and Ethics

Purity in the Gospel of John: Early Jewish Tradition, Christology, and Ethics

Wil Rogan argues that, contrary to twentieth-century interpretation, the Fourth Gospel did not replace purity with faith......more

Women in John’s Gospel

Women in John’s Gospel

Closely examines John’s portrayal of women in relation to discipleship and the theme of new creation, arguing that these......more

Saved Leader’s Kit: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Acts

Saved Leader’s Kit: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Acts

Nancy Guthrie Presents a Comprehensive Bible Study Kit to Lead Meaningful Discussions on the Book of Acts In the Saved s......more

Matthew and the Roman Military: How the Gospel Portrays and Negotiates Imperial Power

Matthew and the Roman Military: How the Gospel Portrays and Negotiates Imperial Power

This book addresses the ways that the Gospel of Matthew portrays Roman military power. Christianson argues that Matthew ......more

Jesus and Materialism in the Gospel of Mark: Traveling Light on the Way

Jesus and Materialism in the Gospel of Mark: Traveling Light on the Way

Mark presents discipleship as a journey on "the way" with Jesus. Robert Ewusie Moses argues that the journey is a call f......more

The Use of the Jewish Scriptures in the Johannine Passion Narrative: That the Scripture May Be Perfected

The Use of the Jewish Scriptures in the Johannine Passion Narrative: That the Scripture May Be Perfected

How do Israel’s Scriptures inform the account of Jesus’s cruciform death in the Gospel of John? What does it mean for Jo......more

Masculinities in the Gospel of Matthew: Joseph, John, Peter, and Judas

Masculinities in the Gospel of Matthew: Joseph, John, Peter, and Judas

Kendra A. Mohn traces how the constructions of nonelite men in the Gospel of Matthew negotiate expectations of elite Rom......more

Matthew, Disability, and Stress: Examining Impaired Characters in the Context of Empire

Matthew, Disability, and Stress: Examining Impaired Characters in the Context of Empire

This book examines four Matthean healing narratives, focusing on the impaired characters in the scenes. Informed by both......more

The Sheep and the Goats: A Matthean Teaching in Historical Context

The Sheep and the Goats: A Matthean Teaching in Historical Context

In this book, Chad Venters argues that Psalm 80 (Psalm 79 LXX) is an important source for the composition of Matthew 25:......more

John, Jesus, and History, Volume 4

John, Jesus, and History, Volume 4

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-09-20

John, Jesus, and History, Volume 4: Jesus Remembered in the Johannine Situation addresses the narrative development of t......more

Begging for Their Daily Bread: Beggar-Centric Interpretations of Matthew 6

Begging for Their Daily Bread: Beggar-Centric Interpretations of Matthew 6

In Begging for Their Daily Bread, Zhenya Gurina-Rodriguez formulates a beggars-centric hermeneutic and interprets Matthe......more

Divine Shepherd Christology in the Gospel of Matthew

Divine Shepherd Christology in the Gospel of Matthew

Wayne Baxter examines Matthew’s Shepherd Christology against the backdrop of the metaphor’s appropriation in the biblica......more

Jesus the Epic Hero: The Theology of Empress Eudocia’s Homeric Gospel

Jesus the Epic Hero: The Theology of Empress Eudocia’s Homeric Gospel

What happens to Jesus when his story and ministry are told in narratives and lines lifted from Homer’s epics? Empress Eu......more

Mark and Literary Materialism: A Lesson in Reading Liberation

Mark and Literary Materialism: A Lesson in Reading Liberation

Niall McKay explores the use of Christian scriptures to resist apartheid in South Africa. From this, the author develops......more

Theosis and Forgiveness in the Gospel of Matthew

Theosis and Forgiveness in the Gospel of Matthew

In this book, Kangil Kim reads the Matthean teaching of forgiveness through the framework of theosis. Kim argues that th......more

Jesus the Oracle: Reading Mark in Roman Egypt

Jesus the Oracle: Reading Mark in Roman Egypt

In Jesus the Oracle, Annelies Gisela Moeser reads Jesus’ journey from Capernaum to Jerusalem in Mark’s gospel in terms o......more

On the Historicity of Jesus: Why We Might Have Reason for Doubt

On the Historicity of Jesus: Why We Might Have Reason for Doubt

The assumption that Jesus existed as a historical person has occasionally been questioned in the course of the last hund......more

Salome and the Kin of Jesus: The Treatises of Maurice of Kirkham and Herbert of Bosham

Salome and the Kin of Jesus: The Treatises of Maurice of Kirkham and Herbert of Bosham

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-05-15

In the twelfth century a matter was debated that still confronts readers of the New Testament, namely, just who constitu......more

Matthew’s Parable of the Royal Wedding Feast

Matthew’s Parable of the Royal Wedding Feast

Ruth Christa Mathieson’s unique reading of Matthew’s parable of the royal wedding feast (Matt 22:1-14), which concludes ......more

Bodies without Organs in the Gospel of Mark

Bodies without Organs in the Gospel of Mark

In this stimulating monograph, Villalobos Mendoza leads the diligent reader to a re-appreciation of Mark’s Jesus as an e......more

The Signs of the New Temple

The Signs of the New Temple

Recent monographs on Johannine signs tend to focus on a single sign. Other studies that examine multiple signs mainly fo......more

Phenomenal Phenomena: Biblical and Multicultural Accounts of Spirits and Exorcism

Phenomenal Phenomena: Biblical and Multicultural Accounts of Spirits and Exorcism

Today, the conception of spirits and demons has been mostly consigned to pop culture in films and novels. Any notion of ......more

Spirituality in John’s Gospel

Spirituality in John’s Gospel

The Fourth Gospel has been known as the ""spiritual gospel"" since the second century, but only recently have biblical s......more

New Testament for Everyone Gospel Set: 20th Anniversary Edition with Study Guide

New Testament for Everyone Gospel Set: 20th Anniversary Edition with Study Guide

Discover the timeless truths of the Gospels of Jesus in a whole new light, embarking on a profound journey of faith and ......more

How to Read the Gospels: An Introduction

How to Read the Gospels: An Introduction

This accessible introduction to the Gospels of the New Testament explores a close reading of each Gospel and encourages ......more

Jairus’s Daughter and the Female Body in Mark

Jairus’s Daughter and the Female Body in Mark

Jairus’s Daughter and the Female Body in Mark challenges modern assumptions that children were disposable and of little ......more

Fulfilling the Law and the Prophets

Fulfilling the Law and the Prophets

Matthew’s Gospel makes mention of prophets and prophecy more than any other canonical Gospel. Yet its perspective on pro......more

The Last Will Be First: Divine Judgment in the Gospel of Mark

The Last Will Be First: Divine Judgment in the Gospel of Mark

To contemporary sensibilities, the idea of divine judgment can seem at best off-putting, at worst a reason to jettison t......more

Prodigal Christ: A Parabolic Theology

Prodigal Christ: A Parabolic Theology

The Parable of the Prodigal Son stands as one of the most powerful imaginings of the grace of God extended to fallen hum......more

A History of the Quests for the Historical Jesus: Two-Volume Set

A History of the Quests for the Historical Jesus: Two-Volume Set

A comprehensive, two-volume reassessment of the quests for the historical Jesus that details their origins and underlyin......more

Holy Gospels in One: Gospel Events in Chronological Order

Holy Gospels in One: Gospel Events in Chronological Order

The Holy Gospels in One (2023 version) is a "Word for Word" narrative of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, combined into a s......more

The Fourfold Gospel, Volume 3: A Formational Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John: From Conflict to Compassion

The Fourfold Gospel, Volume 3: A Formational Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John: From Conflict to Compassion

In the spirit of Ludolph of Saxony (c. 1295-1378) and Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), The Fourfold Gospel invites the re......more

Matthew 24-25 as Prophetic-Apocalyptic

Matthew 24-25 as Prophetic-Apocalyptic

"Despite centuries of scholarly and popular engagement, much confusion still hangs over Jesus’ Olivet Discourse. There i......more

Origins of New Testament Christology: An Introduction to the Traditions and Titles Applied to Jesus

Origins of New Testament Christology: An Introduction to the Traditions and Titles Applied to Jesus

The early followers of Jesus drew from Jewish and Greco-Roman traditions and titles to help them understand and articula......more

Risen Indeed?: Resurrection and Doubt in the Gospel of Mark

Risen Indeed?: Resurrection and Doubt in the Gospel of Mark

"This new book from Austin Busch traces the literary dynamics and explores the theological dimensions of the Gospel of M......more

Luke’s Demonstration to Theophilus: The Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles According to Codex Bezae

Luke’s Demonstration to Theophilus: The Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles According to Codex Bezae

This is the first complete English translation of Luke’s Demonstration to Theophilus (the books of Luke and Acts) as fou......more

Matthew’s Parable of the Royal Wedding Feast

Matthew’s Parable of the Royal Wedding Feast

Ruth Christa Mathieson’s unique reading of Matthew’s parable of the royal wedding feast (Matt 22:1-14), which concludes ......more

Food Justice and Hospitality in Luke-Acts

Food Justice and Hospitality in Luke-Acts

Food security is a multifaceted concept and extends beyond the production of, availability of, and demand for food. This......more

The Gospels: Parallel Arrangement - King James Version

The Gospels: Parallel Arrangement - King James Version

The Gospel according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - the good news of the New Testament - a description of the earthl......more

The Gospels: Parallel Arrangement - King James Version

The Gospels: Parallel Arrangement - King James Version

The Gospel according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - the good news of the New Testament - a description of the earthl......more

Christology, Torah, and Ethics in the Gospel of Matthew

Christology, Torah, and Ethics in the Gospel of Matthew

Rather, in the way the Gospel of Matthew brings together Old Testament and early Jewish heritage with an orientation tow......more

A Living Hope: The Gospel of Jesus Christ Illustrated

A Living Hope: The Gospel of Jesus Christ Illustrated

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-07-07

A LIVING HOPE: THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST ILLUSTRATED is a pictorial presentation of the gospel accounts according to Ma......more

The Fourfold Gospel, Volume 3

The Fourfold Gospel, Volume 3

In the spirit of Ludolph of Saxony (c. 1295-1378) and Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), The Fourfold Gospel invites the re......more

The Hidden Kingdom

The Hidden Kingdom

The purpose of this study, which is primarily a redaction-critical inquiry, is to examine all of Mark’s references to th......more

Empowering the People

Empowering the People

In this innovative study, Horsley builds on his earlier works concerning the problematic and misleading categories of "m......more

The Signs of the New Temple

The Signs of the New Temple

Recent monographs on Johannine signs tend to focus on a single sign. Other studies that examine multiple signs mainly fo......more

The Figure of Jesus in History and Theology

The Figure of Jesus in History and Theology

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-10-31

One of the leading Historical Jesus scholars of our time, John Meier has also made significant contributions in the area......more

Kinship Relations in the Gospel of John

Kinship Relations in the Gospel of John

This monograph examines the relationships between the two "families" of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel. The first family is ......more

Spirituality in John’s Gospel: Historical Developments and Critical Foundations

Spirituality in John’s Gospel: Historical Developments and Critical Foundations

The Fourth Gospel has been known as the ""spiritual gospel"" since the second century, but only recently have biblical s......more

Holy Gospels in One: Gospel Events in Chronological Order

Holy Gospels in One: Gospel Events in Chronological Order

The Holy Gospels in One (2023 version) is a "Word for Word" narrative of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, combined into a s......more

Matthew’s Parables

Matthew’s Parables

This book presents a comprehensive treatment of all of the parables in the Gospel of Matthew. It discusses the significa......more

Embracing the Nonhuman in the Gospel of Mark

Embracing the Nonhuman in the Gospel of Mark

Drawing on the fields of nonhuman studies and postcolonial ecocriticism, Dong Hyeon Jeong disrupts anthropocentric readi......more

The Transfiguration of Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Reading

The Transfiguration of Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Reading

All three Synoptic Gospels tell the story of Jesus’s transfiguration. Yet there has been surprisingly little written abo......more

Echoes of Jesus in the First Epistle of Peter

Echoes of Jesus in the First Epistle of Peter

"How did the words of Jesus influence the writing of 1 Peter? That is the question that is at the heart of this study. O......more

Jairus’s Daughter and the Female Body in Mark

Jairus’s Daughter and the Female Body in Mark

Jairus’s Daughter and the Female Body in Mark challenges modern assumptions that children were disposable and of little ......more

Studies in Luke, Acts, and Paul

Studies in Luke, Acts, and Paul

"C. Kavin Rowe’s keenest essays on Luke, Acts, and Paul, collected into one volume. How should scholars undertake New Te......more

The Witness of Jesus, Paul and John

The Witness of Jesus, Paul and John

This book introduces the reader to the discipline of biblical theology. In part one Helyer discusses the central problem......more

The Jesus Handbook

The Jesus Handbook

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-11-17

"An international collection of scholarship on Jesus of Nazareth, his world, the outcomes of his life, and the quest to ......more

Following Jesus

Following Jesus

Two questions are braided together in Luke’s Gospel. Who is Jesus, and what does it mean to be his student and apprentic......more

Acts 1-9:42, Volume 37a: 37

Acts 1-9:42, Volume 37a: 37

The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a......more

The Insurgency of the Spirit: Jesus’s Liberation Animist Spirituality, Empire, and Creating Christian Protectors

The Insurgency of the Spirit: Jesus’s Liberation Animist Spirituality, Empire, and Creating Christian Protectors

The Insurgency of the Spirit taps mutli-disciplinary methodologies of post-colonial biblical scholarship and anthropolog......more

Luke among the Ancient Historians

Luke among the Ancient Historians

For centuries scholars have analyzed the composition of Luke-Acts presupposing that the reference to ""many"" accounts i......more

Reclaiming the Radical Economic Message of Luke

Reclaiming the Radical Economic Message of Luke

Luke has a radical message of good news for the poor and resistance to wealth. God is shown to favor the poor, championi......more

The Gospels: Parallel Arrangement - King James Version

The Gospels: Parallel Arrangement - King James Version

The Gospel according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - the good news of the New Testament - a description of the earthl......more

Acts 1-14: A Handbook on the Greek Text

Acts 1-14: A Handbook on the Greek Text

In Acts 1-14: A Handbook on the Greek Text, Martin Culy, Mikeal Parsons, and Josiah Hall provide a foundational examinat......more

Acts 15-28: A Handbook on the Greek Text

Acts 15-28: A Handbook on the Greek Text

This revised and expanded handbook on the Greek text of Acts, unlike its predecessor, includes comments on the grammar a......more

Sound Mapping the New Testament, Second Edition

Sound Mapping the New Testament, Second Edition

In the ancient world, writings were read aloud, heard, and remembered. But modern exegesis assumes a silent text. Accord......more

Catch the Bird but Watch the Wave

Catch the Bird but Watch the Wave

This contextual biblical reading of Luke 18:18-30 (the encounter between Jesus and the rich ruler) foregrounds the polit......more

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