

Humanism: In Command or in Crisis?

Humanism: In Command or in Crisis?

According to bestselling historian Yuval Noah Harari, today’s average American has their foot in three ideological camps......more

Humanism: In Command or in Crisis?

Humanism: In Command or in Crisis?

According to bestselling historian Yuval Noah Harari, today’s average American has their foot in three ideological camps......more

Nietzsche’s on the Genealogy of Morality: A Guide

Nietzsche’s on the Genealogy of Morality: A Guide

On the Genealogy of Morality is one of Nietzsche’s greatest works. Taking recent scholarship on board and using it to in......more

The Ethics of Generating Posthumans: Philosophical and Theological Reflections on Bringing New Persons Into Existence

The Ethics of Generating Posthumans: Philosophical and Theological Reflections on Bringing New Persons Into Existence

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-08-24

Should transhuman and posthuman persons ever be brought into existence? And if so, could they be generated in a good and......more

African Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century: Acts of Transition

African Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century: Acts of Transition

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-08-15

This volume explores African philosophies’ expression of transitional acts where thought interacts with history and prop......more

A Philosophy for Future Generations: The Structure and Dynamics of Transgenerationality

A Philosophy for Future Generations: The Structure and Dynamics of Transgenerationality

If societies, like institutions, are built to endure, then the bond that exists between generations must be considered. ......more

From Deleuze and Guattari to Posthumanism: Philosophies of Immanence

From Deleuze and Guattari to Posthumanism: Philosophies of Immanence

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-27

Uncovering the theoretical and creative interconnections between posthumanism and philosophies of immanence, this volume......more

French Folly In Maxims Of Philosophy

French Folly In Maxims Of Philosophy

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

This book is a witty and insightful exploration of the absurdity of French philosophical maxims. Henri Pène du Bois skew......more

The Principles of Secularism Illustrated

The Principles of Secularism Illustrated

George Jacob Holyoake’s The Principles of Secularism Illustrated is a landmark work of secular humanism and political th......more

Creed and Deed: A Series of Discourses

Creed and Deed: A Series of Discourses

Felix Adler, the founder of the Ethical Culture movement, presents a collection of his philosophical discourses in this ......more

Aspects of Pessimism

Aspects of Pessimism

A philosophical exploration and critique of pessimism as a worldview. This work has been selected by scholars as being c......more

The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll; Volume 6

The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll; Volume 6

The Works of Robert G Ingersoll is a comprehensive collection of the speeches, essays, and lectures of one of America’s ......more



  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

In this philosophical treatise, William Le Vin Seabrook explores the concept of immortality from various perspectives. H......more

French Folly In Maxims Of Philosophy

French Folly In Maxims Of Philosophy

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

This book is a witty and insightful exploration of the absurdity of French philosophical maxims. Henri Pène du Bois skew......more

The Individual

The Individual

This book explores the concept of individuality from a scientific and philosophical perspective. The author examines the......more

Die Allgemeinen Grundlagen der Kultur der Gegenwart

Die Allgemeinen Grundlagen der Kultur der Gegenwart

Dieses Buch ist eine Analyse der kulturellen Grundlagen der Moderne. Wilhelm Hector Richard Albrecht Lexis untersucht di......more

Einführung in Eine Philosophie des Geisteslebens

Einführung in Eine Philosophie des Geisteslebens

In diesem bahnbrechenden Werk untersucht Rudolf Eucken die menschliche Seele und ihren Einfluss auf den Geist und das Le......more

Aspects of Pessimism

Aspects of Pessimism

A philosophical exploration and critique of pessimism as a worldview. This work has been selected by scholars as being c......more

For The Highest Good

For The Highest Good

This book is a collection of essays by Fenton Johnson, a noted philosopher and social critic. Drawing on his deep unders......more

Creed and Deed: A Series of Discourses

Creed and Deed: A Series of Discourses

Felix Adler, the founder of the Ethical Culture movement, presents a collection of his philosophical discourses in this ......more

Die Allgemeinen Grundlagen der Kultur der Gegenwart

Die Allgemeinen Grundlagen der Kultur der Gegenwart

Dieses Buch ist eine Analyse der kulturellen Grundlagen der Moderne. Wilhelm Hector Richard Albrecht Lexis untersucht di......more

Einführung in Eine Philosophie des Geisteslebens

Einführung in Eine Philosophie des Geisteslebens

In diesem bahnbrechenden Werk untersucht Rudolf Eucken die menschliche Seele und ihren Einfluss auf den Geist und das Le......more



  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

In this philosophical treatise, William Le Vin Seabrook explores the concept of immortality from various perspectives. H......more

The Individual

The Individual

This book explores the concept of individuality from a scientific and philosophical perspective. The author examines the......more

The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll; Volume 6

The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll; Volume 6

The Works of Robert G Ingersoll is a comprehensive collection of the speeches, essays, and lectures of one of America’s ......more

For The Highest Good

For The Highest Good

This book is a collection of essays by Fenton Johnson, a noted philosopher and social critic. Drawing on his deep unders......more

The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche

The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche

The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche first appeared in the Collected Works in 1960. In this new edition bibliographi......more

Media Technologies and Posthuman Intimacy

Media Technologies and Posthuman Intimacy

Constructing a theory of intimacy describing processes occurring between a ’human’ subject and information creations, Ja......more

Embracing the Spectrum: Shifting the Perspective on Autism

Embracing the Spectrum: Shifting the Perspective on Autism

Cara Cusack is a multifaceted author, IT Business Leader, mother, grandmother, and small-scale farmer. Born and raised i......more

Embracing the Spectrum: Shifting the Perspective on Autism

Embracing the Spectrum: Shifting the Perspective on Autism

The Uniquely Human Experience of Autism This insightful book delves into the uniquely human experience of autism, challe......more

From the Boxing Ring to the Ashram: Wisdom for Mind, Body and Spirit

From the Boxing Ring to the Ashram: Wisdom for Mind, Body and Spirit

Step into the ring with life’s challenges and come out a champion. Drawing on an impressive network of mentors and gurus......more

Diálogos sobre la guerra

Diálogos sobre la guerra

Es la guerra una acción contraria a la razón? Este libro surgió de la primera jornada de reflexión convocada por el Inst......more

The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotion

The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotion

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-05-31

The emotions occupy a fundamental place in philosophy, going back to Aristotle. However, the phenomenology of the emotio......more

Extended Consciousness and Predictive Processing: A Third Wave View

Extended Consciousness and Predictive Processing: A Third Wave View

In this jointly authored book, Kirchhoff and Kiverstein defend the controversial thesis that phenomenal consciousness is......more

Political Theory on Death and Dying

Political Theory on Death and Dying

This comprehensive, encyclopedic review compiles and curates the latest scholarship, research, and debates on the politi......more

The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Humility

The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Humility

Humility is a vital aspect of political discussion, social media and self-help, whilst recent empirical research has lin......more

The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Skill and Expertise

The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Skill and Expertise

Philosophical questions surrounding skill and expertise can be traced back as far as Ancient Greece, China, and India. I......more

Posthumanism in the Novels of Kurt Vonnegut: Matter That Complains So

Posthumanism in the Novels of Kurt Vonnegut: Matter That Complains So

Posthumanism in the Novels of Kurt Vonnegut: Matter That Complains So re-examines the prevailing critical consensus that......more

Utilitarianism in the Early American Republic

Utilitarianism in the Early American Republic

In Utilitarianism in the Early American Republic James E. Crimmins provides a fresh perspective on the history of antebe......more

The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Agency

The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Agency

Phenomenology has primarily been concerned with questions about knowledge and ontology. However, in recent years the ris......more

The Epistemology and Morality of Human Kinds

The Epistemology and Morality of Human Kinds

Natural kinds is a widely used and pivotal concept in philosophy - the idea being that the classifications and taxonomie......more

The Routledge Handbook of Practical Reason

The Routledge Handbook of Practical Reason

Over the last several decades, questions about practical reason have come to occupy the center stage in ethics and metae......more

Encounters with Aristotelian Philosophy of Mind

Encounters with Aristotelian Philosophy of Mind

This book engages with topics in Aristotle’s philosophy of mind, some well-known and hotly debated, some new and yet to ......more

Thought: A Philosophical History

Thought: A Philosophical History

Of all the topics in the history of philosophy, the history of different forms of thinking and contemplation is one of t......more

Epistemic Uses of Imagination

Epistemic Uses of Imagination

This book explores how imagination can be put to epistemic use. More specifically, the contributors address ways in whic......more

What Is Essential to Being Human?: Can AI Robots Not Share It?

What Is Essential to Being Human?: Can AI Robots Not Share It?

This book asks whether there exists an essence exclusive to human beings that serves to distinguish them from artificial......more

Epistemic Autonomy

Epistemic Autonomy

This is the first book dedicated to the topic of epistemic autonomy. It features original essays from leading scholars t......more

Animal Remains

Animal Remains

The dream of humanism is to cleanly discard of humanity’s animal remains along with its ecological embeddings, evolution......more

Pragmatism and Poetic Agency: The Persistence of Humanism

Pragmatism and Poetic Agency: The Persistence of Humanism

Schulenberg continues the thought-provoking argument he developed in his previous two monographs by advancing the idea t......more

Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism

Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-05-17

Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism is a major reference work on the paradigm emerging from the challenges to hum......more

God: The Most Unpleasant Character in All Fiction

God: The Most Unpleasant Character in All Fiction

Expanding on a concept from New York Times bestseller The God Delusion, former ordained minister and current atheist Dan......more

Decoding the Human Mind

Decoding the Human Mind

An Exploration into the Intricacies of Human Consciousness Embark on a captivating journey through the labyrinth of the ......more

The Concept of Mind

The Concept of Mind

The Concept of Mind by philosopher Gilbert Ryle argues that "mind" is "a philosophical illusion hailing chiefly from Ren......more

Night Vision: Seeing Ourselves Through Dark Moods

Night Vision: Seeing Ourselves Through Dark Moods

A philosopher’s personal meditation on how painful emotions can reveal truths about what it means to be truly human Unde......more

Kant Race and Racism

Kant Race and Racism

Kant scholars have paid relatively little attention to his raciology. They assume that his racism, as personal prejudice......more

Living Enlightened: The Joy of Integrating Spirit, Mind and Body

Living Enlightened: The Joy of Integrating Spirit, Mind and Body

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-05-02

It’s moving day and just the thought of packing, loading, unloading, unpacking, and starting a new life seems daunting, ......more

Confucian Ren and Feminist Ethics of Care: Integrating Relational Self, Power, and Democracy

Confucian Ren and Feminist Ethics of Care: Integrating Relational Self, Power, and Democracy

Confucian traditions have ingrained gender stratifications in Chinese culture today. Yuan proposes re-reading early Conf......more

Good Catastrophe: The Tide-Turning Power of Hope

Good Catastrophe: The Tide-Turning Power of Hope

In a gritty and unique take on the story of Job, Pastor Benjamin Windle shows that "the good life" is not one devoid of ......more

Women Philosophers in Nineteenth-Century Britain

Women Philosophers in Nineteenth-Century Britain

Many women wrote philosophy in nineteenth-century Britain, and they wrote across the full range of philosophical topics.......more

We Have Always Been Cyborgs: Digital Data, Gene Technologies, and an Ethics of Transhumanism

We Have Always Been Cyborgs: Digital Data, Gene Technologies, and an Ethics of Transhumanism

The concept of transhumanism emerged in the middle of the 20th century, and has influenced discussions around AI, brain-......more

A Hermeneutics of Contemplative Silence: Paul Ricoeur, Edith Stein, and the Heart of Meaning

A Hermeneutics of Contemplative Silence: Paul Ricoeur, Edith Stein, and the Heart of Meaning

This book probes the texts of Paul Ricoeur and Edith Stein to disclose the role of silence in the creation of meaning. T......more

African Cultural Production and the Rhetoric of Humanism

African Cultural Production and the Rhetoric of Humanism

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-04-05

This edited collection explores how African artists use their art to articulate the need for a return to the traditional......more

The Life of Solitude

The Life of Solitude

Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch, 1304-1374) is universally regarded as one of the greatest Italian poets and considered to ......more

The Life of Solitude

The Life of Solitude

Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch, 1304-1374) is universally regarded as one of the greatest Italian poets and considered to ......more

Félix Ravaisson: French Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century

Félix Ravaisson: French Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century

Félix Ravaisson’s French Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century is one of the most influential and pivotal texts of modern......more

The Great Question of Our Time: A Study of Man’s Place in the Universe

The Great Question of Our Time: A Study of Man’s Place in the Universe

Discover the secrets of the universe and your place in it with this groundbreaking work. Written over a century ago, thi......more

The Great Question of Our Time: A Study of Man’s Place in the Universe

The Great Question of Our Time: A Study of Man’s Place in the Universe

Discover the secrets of the universe and your place in it with this groundbreaking work. Written over a century ago, thi......more

Humanism, Antitheodicism, and the Critique of Meaning in Pragmatist Philosophy of Religion

Humanism, Antitheodicism, and the Critique of Meaning in Pragmatist Philosophy of Religion

Arguing, humanistically, that we live in a "human world" inescapably colored by meaning, this book shows why the pursuit......more

Stoic Philosophy and the Control Problem of AI Technology: Caught in the Web

Stoic Philosophy and the Control Problem of AI Technology: Caught in the Web

Spence develops and applies a normative model based on rationalist and virtue ethics as well as stoic philosophy to asse......more

Søren Kierkegaard and Climate Catastrophe: Learning to Live on a Damaged Planet

Søren Kierkegaard and Climate Catastrophe: Learning to Live on a Damaged Planet

S ren Kierkegaard’s work is teeming with images of earthquakes, floods, storms, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, burned do......more

Post-Growth Living: For an Alternative Hedonism

Post-Growth Living: For an Alternative Hedonism

"The reality of runaway climate change is inextricably linked with the mass consumerist, capitalist society in which we ......more

Hume’’s Philosophy in Historical Perspective

Hume’’s Philosophy in Historical Perspective

David Hume was a highly original thinker. Nevertheless, he was a writer of his time and place in the history of philosop......more

A Discourse Upon The Origin And The Foundation Of The Inequality Among Mankind

A Discourse Upon The Origin And The Foundation Of The Inequality Among Mankind

A Discourse Upon The Origin And The Foundation Of The Inequality Among Mankind is a great political science text on the ......more

The Wisdom of Life & Counsels and Maxims

The Wisdom of Life & Counsels and Maxims

"The Wisdom of Life and Counsels and Maxims" is a thought-provoking collection of insights and reflections on the nature......more

Feminist Theory and International Law: Posthuman Perspectives

Feminist Theory and International Law: Posthuman Perspectives

Feminist approaches to international law have been mischaracterised by the mainstream of the discipline as being a niche......more

Feminist Theory and International Law: Posthuman Perspectives

Feminist Theory and International Law: Posthuman Perspectives

Feminist approaches to international law have been mischaracterised by the mainstream of the discipline as being a niche......more

Karl Kosík and the Dialectics of the Concrete

Karl Kosík and the Dialectics of the Concrete

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-01-31

Karel Kosík (1926-2003) reputation as a creative thinker is owed largely to his philosophical ’blockbuster’ Dialectics o......more

The Archaeology of War: The History of Violence Between the 20th and 21st Centuries

The Archaeology of War: The History of Violence Between the 20th and 21st Centuries

The twentieth century holds many titles that emphasize the extraordinary. It was a century of totalitarianism, but also ......more

Life in the Posthuman Condition: Critical Responses to the Anthropocene

Life in the Posthuman Condition: Critical Responses to the Anthropocene

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-01-10

This edited volume reconsiders the notion of life and conceptualizes those forms of life which have been excluded from m......more

The Revolt Against Humanity: Imagining a Future Without Us

The Revolt Against Humanity: Imagining a Future Without Us

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-01-10

Should we welcome the end of humanity? In this blistering book about the history of an idea, one of our leading critics ......more

Towards a Philosophical Anthropology of Culture: Naturalism, Relativism, and Skepticism

Towards a Philosophical Anthropology of Culture: Naturalism, Relativism, and Skepticism

This book explores the question of what it means to be a human being through sustained and original analyses of three im......more

The Philosophy and Psychology of Ambivalence: Being of Two Minds

The Philosophy and Psychology of Ambivalence: Being of Two Minds

This book collects original essays by top scholars that address questions about the nature, origins, and effects of ambi......more

Mary Shepherd: A Guide

Mary Shepherd: A Guide

Scottish philosopher Lady Mary Shepherd (1777-1847) wrote two books that she conceived as one unified project: Essay Upo......more

Cross-Cultural Approaches to Consciousness: Mind, Nature and Ultimate Reality

Cross-Cultural Approaches to Consciousness: Mind, Nature and Ultimate Reality

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-12-29

Uniting analytic philosophy with Buddhist, Indian, and Chinese traditions, this collection marks the first systematic cr......more

Debating the a Priori

Debating the a Priori

What kind of knowledge could be obtainable just by thinking? Debating the A Priori presents a series of exchanges betwee......more

Acts, Intentions, and Moral Evaluation

Acts, Intentions, and Moral Evaluation

This book argues that the moral quality of an act comes from the agent’s inner states. By arguing for the indispensable ......more

In Praise of Ambivalence

In Praise of Ambivalence

Ambivalence is a form of inner volitional conflict that we experience as being irresolvable without significant cost. Be......more

Schelling’s Late Philosophy in Confrontation with Hegel

Schelling’s Late Philosophy in Confrontation with Hegel

Recent decades have seen a remarkable upsurge of interest in German Idealism in the English-speaking world. However, out......more

More Posthuman Glossary

More Posthuman Glossary

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-12-01

The notion of the posthuman continues to both intrigue and confuse, not least because of the huge number of ideas, theor......more

Freeflow Stories: Musings on the Passing Scene: 2018-2022

Freeflow Stories: Musings on the Passing Scene: 2018-2022

About every two weeks, since 2011, Carolyn North has written a brief piece- like a prose poem-about the state of the wor......more

Debating Christianity: Opening Salvos in the Battle with Believers

Debating Christianity: Opening Salvos in the Battle with Believers

John W. Loftus has an impressive back catalog of books that thoroughly debunk the belief in (the Judeo-Christian) God. W......more

Viglets: Time, Infinity, Eternity

Viglets: Time, Infinity, Eternity

Viglet III, Time, Infinity & Eternity - explores these concepts from many perspectives. It dares address the question - ......more

African Philosophy and Enactivist Cognition: The Space of Thought

African Philosophy and Enactivist Cognition: The Space of Thought

Using classic texts in African philosophy, Bruce B. Janz applies the strand of cognitive science known as enactivism to ......more

The Epistemic Role of Consciousness

The Epistemic Role of Consciousness

What is the role of consciousness in our mental lives? Declan Smithies argues here that consciousness is essential to ex......more

Binary Logic

Binary Logic

Binary Logic is the perfect merge of content and form-exploring concepts of literary genre with revelatory narrative. It......more

Anton Wilhelm Amos Philosophical Dissertations on Mind and Body

Anton Wilhelm Amos Philosophical Dissertations on Mind and Body

Anton Wilhelm Amo (c.1703-after 1752) was the first African philosopher in the modern period to write in the European ph......more

The Advancement of Humanity

The Advancement of Humanity

The Advancement of Humanity is an essay relating human creativity and intellect to the perspectives needed for humanity ......more

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