

Got Blood to Give: Anti-Black Homophobia in Blood Donation

Got Blood to Give: Anti-Black Homophobia in Blood Donation

Our blood has stories to tell, and we are told stories about blood. Globally, blood is a story that is built -- whose bl......more

Precision Pathology of Cancer: From Basic Concept to Clinical Practice

Precision Pathology of Cancer: From Basic Concept to Clinical Practice

Precision pathology of cancer is a new frontier - a systemic diagnostic approach to provide specific therapeutic targets......more

Cases in Haematology: For the MLA and Plab

Cases in Haematology: For the MLA and Plab

A solid grounding in and understanding of haematology is crucial for any doctor. The pathophysiology is fascinating, and......more

Cases in Haematology: For the MLA and Plab

Cases in Haematology: For the MLA and Plab

This book utilises single answer-style questions in the MasterPass series of revision aids, covering the haematology pre......more

Current Practices in Sickle Cell Disease

Current Practices in Sickle Cell Disease

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-09-11

Sickle cell anemia is an inherited disorder of the globin chains that causes hemolysis and chronic organ damage. Sickle ......more

Guide to Paediatric Haematology Morphology

Guide to Paediatric Haematology Morphology

This illustrated guide to identifying or confirming blood disorders in paediatric patients presents examples of the abno......more

Guide to Paediatric Haematology Morphology

Guide to Paediatric Haematology Morphology

This illustrated guide to identifying or confirming blood disorders in paediatric patients presents examples of the abno......more

Oxford Textbook of Neurohaematology

Oxford Textbook of Neurohaematology

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-08-07

The Oxford Textbook of Neurohaematology is a single source of knowledge on the diverse neurological conditions associate......more

Hematology and the Asian Patient: 51 Clinical Cases

Hematology and the Asian Patient: 51 Clinical Cases

Haematology encompasses a broad range of topics ranging from common and relatively benign conditions such as iron defici......more

Hematology and the Asian Patient: 51 Clinical Cases

Hematology and the Asian Patient: 51 Clinical Cases

Haematology encompasses a broad range of topics ranging from common and relatively benign conditions such as iron defici......more

Beating Melanoma: The Ultimate Patient Resource

Beating Melanoma: The Ultimate Patient Resource

Now completely updated! The essential guide for people with melanoma. In Beating Melanoma, world-renowned skin cancer ex......more

Textbook of Von Willebrand Disease: Basic and Clinical Aspects

Textbook of Von Willebrand Disease: Basic and Clinical Aspects

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-03-25

Comprehensive resource summarizing recent research on von Willebrand disease, showing clinicians how to optimize managem......more

The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Hematology

The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Hematology

Written by national recognized experts and senior fellows at leading research institutions, including the National Insti......more

Amyloidosis and Fabry Disease: A Clinical Guide

Amyloidosis and Fabry Disease: A Clinical Guide

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-02-09

This book presents a multispecialty and multidisciplinary approach on Amyloidosis and Fabry disease. These two "rare" di......more

Hematopoiesis: Biochemical, Cellular, Molecular, and Genomic Perspectives

Hematopoiesis: Biochemical, Cellular, Molecular, and Genomic Perspectives

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-01-16

This new volume discusses the widespread concerns of hematopoietic challenges in different and emerging ways. With chapt......more

Hematology Board Review: Blueprint Study Guide and Q&A

Hematology Board Review: Blueprint Study Guide and Q&A

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-12-26

Now in its second edition, Hematology Board Review has been thoroughly revised and updated to contain the latest informa......more

Palliative Care in Hematologic Malignancies and Serious Blood Disorders: A Clinical Guide

Palliative Care in Hematologic Malignancies and Serious Blood Disorders: A Clinical Guide

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-11-28

This book provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview on palliative care for patients with hematologic malignanc......more

Thalassemia Syndromes - New Insights and Transfusion Modalities

Thalassemia Syndromes - New Insights and Transfusion Modalities

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-11-22

The thalassemia syndromes are a diverse group of hereditary anemias caused by decreased or absent production of one type......more

NHA Phlebotomy Study Guide 2024-2025: 650+ Practice Questions and NHA Exam Prep Book [3rd Edition]

NHA Phlebotomy Study Guide 2024-2025: 650+ Practice Questions and NHA Exam Prep Book [3rd Edition]

A study guide for the National Healthcareer Association Phlebotomy Technician exam. Includes four full practice tests, o......more

Cancer Pharmacology: An Illustrated Manual of Anticancer Drugs

Cancer Pharmacology: An Illustrated Manual of Anticancer Drugs

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-11-13

"We are living in an exciting time for cancer pharmacology. The fusion of multiple disciplines of basic and clinical sci......more

Platelets in Health and Medicine

Platelets in Health and Medicine

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-09-26

Platelets are tiny blood cells that help in the formation of clots which helps to stop bleeding. They rush to the damage......more

Hematology: The Red Cell and Its Diseases

Hematology: The Red Cell and Its Diseases

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-09-26

Hematology is a branch of medicine that deals with the study of blood, and the causes, prognosis, treatments and prevent......more

Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Thrombosis and Hemostasis

Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Thrombosis and Hemostasis

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-09-26

Hemostasis is a physiological process in the body that helps in stopping the bleeding and starting the repair process. T......more

Devices for Blood Analysis: Hematology Essentials

Devices for Blood Analysis: Hematology Essentials

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-09-19

Blood is a type of body fluid found in the circulatory system of human beings and other vertebrates. It carries essentia......more

Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine

Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-09-19

Blood transfusion is the process of transferring blood into the vein of a patient. It is a therapeutic treatment used to......more

Diagnosis and Treatment of Anemia

Diagnosis and Treatment of Anemia

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-09-19

Anemia is a blood disorder, where the capability of the blood to carry oxygen is decreased due to a low blood count, or ......more

Venous Thrombosis: Principles and Practice

Venous Thrombosis: Principles and Practice

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-09-19

Thrombosis refers to the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels, i.e, veins and arteries. Venous thrombosis refer......more

Detection of Red Cell Alloantibody Among the Blood Transfusion Recipients

Detection of Red Cell Alloantibody Among the Blood Transfusion Recipients

To save live of the chronic blood transfusions patients’ as much possible through reduce complications of blood transfus......more

Intraoperative Flow Cytometry

Intraoperative Flow Cytometry

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-27

This book describes intraoperative flow cytometry in solid tumours. Intraoperative flow cytometry is an innovative techn......more



Thrombosis is a groundbreaking study of blood clotting disorders, which can cause serious health problems such as heart ......more

Anemia and Resuscitation: An Experimental and Clinical Research

Anemia and Resuscitation: An Experimental and Clinical Research

In this groundbreaking work, Crile explores the science of anemia and resuscitation, providing a detailed examination of......more

The Histogenesis Of The Blood Platelets

The Histogenesis Of The Blood Platelets

A seminal work in the field of hematology, this book documents the groundbreaking research of James Homer Wright on the ......more

Studies Of Blood Regeneration: I. Effect Of Hemorrhage On Alkaline Reserve

Studies Of Blood Regeneration: I. Effect Of Hemorrhage On Alkaline Reserve

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

This scientific article, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry in 1916, reports on research conducted by Mary......more

On the Use of the Cold Pack Followed by Massage in the Treatment of Anaemia

On the Use of the Cold Pack Followed by Massage in the Treatment of Anaemia

This book explores the use of cold therapy and massage in treating anemia, offering insights and techniques for medical ......more

Transfusion of Human Blood

Transfusion of Human Blood

Joseph Roussel’s groundbreaking study of the transfusion of human blood provides invaluable insights into the complex me......more

Transfusion Of Blood And Its Practical Application

Transfusion Of Blood And Its Practical Application

In this medical treatise, Thomas George Morton explores the science of blood transfusion, including its history, the var......more

Clinical Examination of the Blood and Its Technique

Clinical Examination of the Blood and Its Technique

This classic medical text provides a detailed overview of the methods and principles of blood examination, including tec......more

Clinical Hematology: A Practical Guide to the Examination of the Blood With Reference to Diagnosis

Clinical Hematology: A Practical Guide to the Examination of the Blood With Reference to Diagnosis

This book is a concise and practical guide to clinical hematology and the examination of the blood. It provides detailed......more

Notes of M. Bernard’s Lectures On the Blood: With an Appendix

Notes of M. Bernard’s Lectures On the Blood: With an Appendix

This collection of notes and lectures, compiled by several prominent physicians and scholars, provides a comprehensive o......more

On the Use of the Cold Pack Followed by Massage in the Treatment of Anaemia

On the Use of the Cold Pack Followed by Massage in the Treatment of Anaemia

This book explores the use of cold therapy and massage in treating anemia, offering insights and techniques for medical ......more

The Histogenesis Of The Blood Platelets

The Histogenesis Of The Blood Platelets

A seminal work in the field of hematology, this book documents the groundbreaking research of James Homer Wright on the ......more

Clinical Hematology: A Practical Guide to the Examination of the Blood With Reference to Diagnosis

Clinical Hematology: A Practical Guide to the Examination of the Blood With Reference to Diagnosis

This book is a concise and practical guide to clinical hematology and the examination of the blood. It provides detailed......more

Clinical Examination of the Blood and Its Technique

Clinical Examination of the Blood and Its Technique

This classic medical text provides a detailed overview of the methods and principles of blood examination, including tec......more

Studies Of Blood Regeneration: I. Effect Of Hemorrhage On Alkaline Reserve

Studies Of Blood Regeneration: I. Effect Of Hemorrhage On Alkaline Reserve

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

This scientific article, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry in 1916, reports on research conducted by Mary......more

Anemia and Resuscitation: An Experimental and Clinical Research

Anemia and Resuscitation: An Experimental and Clinical Research

In this groundbreaking work, Crile explores the science of anemia and resuscitation, providing a detailed examination of......more

Notes of M. Bernard’s Lectures On the Blood: With an Appendix

Notes of M. Bernard’s Lectures On the Blood: With an Appendix

This collection of notes and lectures, compiled by several prominent physicians and scholars, provides a comprehensive o......more

Transfusion Of Blood And Its Practical Application

Transfusion Of Blood And Its Practical Application

In this medical treatise, Thomas George Morton explores the science of blood transfusion, including its history, the var......more



Thrombosis is a groundbreaking study of blood clotting disorders, which can cause serious health problems such as heart ......more

Hemorrhage and Transfusion: An Experimental and Clinical Research

Hemorrhage and Transfusion: An Experimental and Clinical Research

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

This groundbreaking work presents the results of a series of experiments and clinical studies on hemorrhage and blood tr......more

Hemorrhage and Transfusion: An Experimental and Clinical Research

Hemorrhage and Transfusion: An Experimental and Clinical Research

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

This groundbreaking work presents the results of a series of experiments and clinical studies on hemorrhage and blood tr......more

Cancer Immunotherapies: Solid Tumors and Hematologic Malignancies

Cancer Immunotherapies: Solid Tumors and Hematologic Malignancies

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-05-13

This book presents the clinical scope of cancer immunotherapeutic agents for solid tumors and Hematologic malignancies, ......more

Observational Study of Osteoarticular Involvement in Sickle Cell Disease

Observational Study of Osteoarticular Involvement in Sickle Cell Disease

Introducing "Observational Study of Osteoarticular Involvement in Sickle Cell Disease" by Eshwar Patel K. This groundbre......more

Signaling Modulators in Bone Marrow Microenvironment and HSC Fate

Signaling Modulators in Bone Marrow Microenvironment and HSC Fate

In the article "Signaling Modulators in Bone Marrow Microenvironment and HSC Fate," V. P. Kale delves into the intricate......more

Refractory Celiac Disease

Refractory Celiac Disease

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-03-30

This book is about recurring celiac disease, its diagnosis and management. It starts by discussing the pathogenesis of r......more

The Erythrocyte - A Unique Cell

The Erythrocyte - A Unique Cell

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-03-29

The Erythrocyte - A Unique Cell emphasizes the characteristic functions of erythrocytes and their vital role in metaboli......more

Recent Updates on Multiple Myeloma

Recent Updates on Multiple Myeloma

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-03-15

This book provides a comprehensive overview of multiple myeloma. It is organized into three sections with chapters addre......more

Leukemia - From Biology to Clinic

Leukemia - From Biology to Clinic

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-03-01

Medical professionals and researchers in the field of leukemias are faced with the need to continuously update their kno......more

Clinical Management of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: From Bench to Bedside

Clinical Management of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: From Bench to Bedside

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-12-18

I - TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE 1. Molecular pathways and targets in B cell progenitor acute lymphoblastic leukemia 2. Genetic......more

The Coagulation Labyrinth of Covid-19

The Coagulation Labyrinth of Covid-19

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-12-09

Preface.- General Aspects of Sepsis-Associated Coagulopathy.- Standard Coagulation Tests in COVID-19.- Point-of-Care Coa......more



"Successfully integrating the physiological, pathological, and clinical aspects of haematology, this new edition include......more

Paediatric Haemotology and Oncology

Paediatric Haemotology and Oncology

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-10-31

Fully revised and updated for its second edition, Paediatric Haematology and Oncology provides an easily accessible sour......more

Anemia: A Guide to Managing and Living with Anemia

Anemia: A Guide to Managing and Living with Anemia

Anemia is a common problem and can plague many types of people. When we are lacking in iron, it can sometimes seem like ......more

Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle Cell Disease

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-10-12

This book presents a comprehensive overview of sickle cell anemia, with chapters addressing diagnosis and clinical, psyc......more

Biology and Treatment of Leukemia and Bone Marrow Neoplasms

Biology and Treatment of Leukemia and Bone Marrow Neoplasms

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-10-10

This book provides a concise update on current understanding of the biology of acute and chronic leukemias and other bon......more

Tumor Board Review: Evidence-Based Case Reviews and Questions

Tumor Board Review: Evidence-Based Case Reviews and Questions

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-08-18

Now in its 3rd edition, Tumor Board Review: Evidence-Based Case Reviews and Questions is the most comprehensive clinical......more

Blood Groups: More than Inheritance of Antigenic Substances

Blood Groups: More than Inheritance of Antigenic Substances

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-08-17

Every cell in our body including red blood cells is covered with special markers called antigens, a substance that trigg......more

Essentials of Tissue and Cells Banking

Essentials of Tissue and Cells Banking

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-07-03

It has been 10 years since the first edition of ’Essentials of Tissue Banking’ has been published. There is still relati......more

Anticoagulation: Current Perspectives

Anticoagulation: Current Perspectives

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-06-15

Thrombotic diseases are some of the leading causes of death in the world. Anticoagulation is a mainstay approach for the......more

Blood is Life

Blood is Life

Hematology is the science that studies blood, blood-forming organs, and blood diseases. In man, blood is formed in the b......more

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-05-20

1. Epidemiology and Etiology.- 2. Diagnosis and Classification of AML: WHO 2016.- 3. The Genomic Landscape and Clonal Ev......more

From Mice to Men

From Mice to Men

Bone-marrow transplantation started as a medical response to the potential damage of radiation on the production of bloo......more

Antiphospholipid Syndrome: Recent Advances in Clinical and Basic Aspects

Antiphospholipid Syndrome: Recent Advances in Clinical and Basic Aspects

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-05-04

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an acquired autoimmune disorder in which the immune system mistakenly produces antiph......more



  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-04-20

Lymphoma is a group of malignant diseases caused by the clonal proliferation of lymphocytes. Current treatment options i......more

Refractory Celiac Disease

Refractory Celiac Disease

This book is about recurring celiac disease, its diagnosis and management. It starts by discussing the pathogenesis of r......more

Blood: Updates on Hemodynamics and on Thalassemia

Blood: Updates on Hemodynamics and on Thalassemia

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-03-16

This book examines both the fluid and cellular components of blood. After the introductory section, the second section p......more

Essentials of Blood Product Management in Anesthesia Practice

Essentials of Blood Product Management in Anesthesia Practice

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-03-14

This comprehensive book is written to inform and improve outcomes of patients in need of blood management during surgica......more

Oncology Board Review, Third Edition: Blueprint Study Guide and Q&A

Oncology Board Review, Third Edition: Blueprint Study Guide and Q&A

  • Ingram,出版日期:2021-11-16

Includes 6 months’ free ExamPrepConnect Digital Access with print purchase! Now in its third edition, Oncology Board Rev......more

Hematologies: The Political Life of Blood in India

Hematologies: The Political Life of Blood in India

In this ground-breaking account of the political economy and cultural meaning of blood in contemporary India, Jacob Cope......more

The Breast Cancer Book: A Trusted Guide for You and Your Loved Ones

The Breast Cancer Book: A Trusted Guide for You and Your Loved Ones

A comprehensive, down-to-earth guide for anyone diagnosed with breast cancer. Being diagnosed with breast cancer can be ......more

Benign Hematologic Disorders in Children: A Clinical Guide

Benign Hematologic Disorders in Children: A Clinical Guide

  • Ingram,出版日期:2021-08-19

This book provides a comprehensive overview of benign hematologic disorders in children. Divided into nine sections, the......more

Hematology in the Adolescent Female

Hematology in the Adolescent Female

  • Ingram,出版日期:2021-08-12

Adolescent females experience a variety of blood disorders that are often unique to this patient population. As they go ......more

Fundamentals of HIV Medicine 2021

Fundamentals of HIV Medicine 2021

The essential work in HIV for providers and pharmacists--updated with everything they need to know in 2021! An end-to-en......more

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