It’s snowing! This beautiful book captures all the excitement and wonder of a winter’s day, from ice-skating in the park......more
Babies and toddlers will love moving the chunky sliders to make the pets move and reveal little surprises. There are fin......more
Get stuck in on the farm in this fun-filled, interactive counting book! Find cute and colourful counters to move and s......more
Get stuck in on the building site in this fun-filled, interactive counting book! Find cute and colourful counters to m......more
A new title in this hide-and-seek felt flap series for fans of Pip and Posy! Pip is looking for Posy on the campsite. ......more
Discover your favourite animals in the city with The Very Hungry Caterpillar in this bright and bold lift-the-flap book!......more
Peter Rabbit had heard wonderful stories about the faraway place called London, but it s not at all what he s used to.........more
Pull out the sliding tray in the cover to reveal removable, double-sided veggie characters. Little ones will love follow......more
Rocket fuel for cognitive development. - Wall Street Journal My Very First Britannica Encyclopedia explores big ideas......more
Can YOU help Hippo do the gardening? Full of flaps, wheels and sliders, this interactive board book is a hands-on introd......more
Pull out the sliding tray in the cover to reveal removeable, double-sided fruit characters. Little ones will love follow......more
★ 讀者五星好評!好拉、好按的機關音效硬頁書 ★ 美國知名繪者創作,繽紛可愛插圖 X 五種音效,讓孩子五感大開 大熊長號手好開心,因為今天是他的樂團首演日!輕拉長號圖案頁籤,聽聽森林樂團這次演奏什麼...more
★ 3本拼圖形狀硬頁小書,方便小手翻讀,還能當拼圖拼 ★ 附磁扣輕量書盒,出遊最佳良伴,也適合當禮物 ★ 孩子最愛的交通工具主題 X 拼圖 X 故事 嘟嘟!跳上大草原動物吉普車,準備開啟三段精采的冒險!精美...more
★ 3本拼圖形狀硬頁小書,方便小手翻讀,還能當拼圖拼 ★ 附磁扣輕量書盒,出遊最佳良伴,也適合當禮物 ★ 孩子最愛的交通工具主題 X 拼圖 X 故事 嘟嘟!跳上農場動物的卡車,準備開啟三段精采的冒險!精美書...more
Tractors have wings, don t they? And trains . . . run on water? That can t be right! Turn the peep-through pages to tr......more
Can YOU help Croc make pancakes? Full of novelties, including flaps, a wheel, a slider and a pivot, this interactive b......more
It s time to go out, so let s get dressed: tug snug, wriggle jiggle into socks, t-shirt, shoes and finally, all wrapped ......more
Twas the night before Christmas, and all were in bed, When some chiddlers thought . . . “We’ll be naughty instead!” ......more
Discover the magical world of Moomin in this chunky lift-and-find bedtime board book featuring your favourite Moomin cha......more
In this brand new lift-the-flap adventure, Spot and Grandpa go shopping at the market! Spot loves looking at the colou......more
Can you help Bear do the washing? Follow Bear and his friend Croc around the house as they do the laundry, and show yo......more
全球熱銷500多萬冊、英國超人氣忙碌小熊系列Bizzy Bear最新作 1-3歲寶寶互動硬頁書,鮮豔圖片吸引小手小眼找亮點 5個好操作機關、朗朗上口的押韻小故事 附音檔QR Code 可線上聆聽故事內容 這本小...more
★ 打開圖文繽紛可愛的互動書,迎接聖誕節! 跟著北極熊展開一段冒險之旅吧!北極熊能找到放在聖誕樹上閃亮的吊飾,還是更棒的驚喜呢?邀請小朋友動手動眼一起翻找堅固的機關,並認識可愛動物腳色。 A cha...more
★十個互動機關,讓孩子手眼並用、忙碌玩耍 ★書末的鏡子彩蛋,結合躲貓貓遊戲,邊玩邊學習簡單英文 大受歡迎的Peekaboo硬頁拉拉書系推出聖誕限定款新作! 這次,聖誕老人會為小朋友帶來什麼驚喜? 以...more
在這本翻翻遊戲書裡,跟粉紅豬小妹以及朋友們,一起歡樂倒數聖誕節12天!小朋友跟著粉紅豬小妹來找一找,在這些日子裡有什麼有趣的新發現? Join Peppa and friends and count down the 12 days ......more
★ 讀者滿五星好評推薦! ★ 經典腳色,搭配全新故事情節、有趣機關,邀請學齡前孩子盡情探索 彼得兔要去拜訪他的松鼠好朋友! 沿途他遇見許多老朋友,並詢問他們各種問題,當中還穿插動物小知識如:青蛙及...more
Join in and help the busy teacher in this playful, interactive flap book! Can you help the busy teacher to help the st......more
★英國暢銷「職人互動遊戲書」Busy Day系列 ★推薦給學齡前孩子翻讀的硬頁機關書(board book) ★近9成讀者滿5星好評 醫師即將展開忙碌的一天!邀請小幫手打開書中機關,一起幫病人包紮受傷的拇指、檢查...more
美妙的森林動物音樂會即將開始! 柴可夫斯基最知名的5首美妙樂章悠揚紙上 ★小手輕按隨點隨播,反覆聆聽刺激大腦 ★可愛小動物領路,一起聆聽名曲、認識柴可夫斯基 收錄5首柴可夫斯基名曲,包括《天...more
Hello Little Cub look for Daddy Lion in Who s Hiding on Safari? Lift the felt flaps to see where he is. Which other anim......more
Follow die-cut finger trails, lift the flaps, and search for The Very Hungry Caterpillar in the ocean....more
Join in and help the busy mechanic in this playful, interactive flap book! Can you help the busy mechanic to fix the m......more
★英國暢銷「職人互動遊戲書」Busy Day系列 ★推薦給2歲以上翻讀的硬頁機關書(board book) ★近9成讀者滿5星好評 又是警察忙碌的一天! 邀請小幫手打開書中機關,跟著警察一起抓小偷!快速跳上警用機車,...more
Take off on a new adventure with this adorable Bookscape Board Book all about travel! Catch the train, board a plane, an......more
★ 4個超好玩滑滑軌道 ★ 掃QR Code聽母語人士唸英文故事! 快來幫在樹林裡迷路的小兔子、小狐狸、小熊和小貓頭鷹尋找回家的路!一路上他們會發生什麼故事呢? 繽紛的圖案、堅固好操作的滑滑軌道機關,吸...more
★ 4個超好玩滑滑軌道 ★ 掃QR Code聽母語人士唸英文故事! 快來幫在森林裡迷路的小老虎、小鸚鵡、小象和小鱷魚尋找回家的路!一路上他們會發生什麼故事呢? 繽紛的圖案、堅固好操作的滑滑軌道機關,吸引...more
全球熱銷500多萬冊、英國超人氣忙碌小熊系列Bizzy Bear最新作 1-3歲寶寶互動硬頁書,鮮豔圖片吸引小手小眼找亮點 5個好操作機關、朗朗上口的押韻小故事 附音檔QR Code 可線上聆聽故事內容 這本小...more
不只內頁翻、推、轉機關,轉一轉書封,也會發現樹上閃耀著繽紛的驚喜! ★書上附QR Code,一掃就能聽人聲及樂器版本! ★0-3歲寶寶最愛的經典童謠遊戲書 ★堅固耐用的5個互動機關,小手好操作 ★開心...more
★學齡前幼兒專屬,堅固的硬頁書設計訓練小肌肉 ★推、拉、滑、轉小機關,引導孩子探索 小鼠波波的馬戲團進城裡表演了!孩子請動動書裡小機關,推、拉、滑、轉,欣賞小鼠波波及她的朋友們精湛的演出。 H...more
全球熱銷500多萬冊、英國超人氣忙碌小熊系列Bizzy Bear 1-3歲寶寶互動硬頁書,鮮豔圖片吸引小手小眼找亮點 5個好操作機關、朗朗上口的押韻小故事 附音檔QR Code 可線上聆聽故事內容 這本小故事書滿足1-3...more
Bizzy Bear’s fun memory game slider book! Play and learn with Bizzy Bear! With four fun scenes, three memory games......more
On die-cut, peek-though, and foldout board pages....more
Push, pull and slide the tabs to enjoy a day out at the Busy Park! Visit the playground, spots lots of different animals......more
Push, pull and slide the tabs to hop aboard a plane at the Busy Airport! Enjoy watching your baggage go round the carous......more
"Elephant! Elephant! What can you see? Under the lily pad, who could it be? Lift the flaps to help Elephant discover who......more
The Googlies 大眼睛轉轉!嬰幼兒單字遊戲書 6冊附書盒套書 + QR codes免費線上音檔 Amazon推薦學齡前閱讀嚴選系列 引領嬰幼兒建立語感、習慣, 學習生活中的第一個英文單字! 國際知名童書出版社Campbell...more
Play and learn with Bizzy Bear! With four fun scenes, three memory games and lots of animal details to spot, this busy b......more
Five easy-to-use sliders, a rhyming story and lots to spot and say in this series of bright, interactive board books for......more
Join Bizzy Bear and friends as they take a winter trip into the mountains! Little ones will love using the chunky slider......more
★ 改編自美國亞馬遜網路書店年度最佳繪本、橫掃各大童書獎、兒童暢銷書排行榜第1名繪本 ★ 耶誕節慶限定版硬頁書 平安夜來臨時,大卡車只剩最後一個任務:在建築工地迎接節慶!翻開每個堅固頁面上的機關...more
Count down the days to Christmas with magical tales of princes and princesses, elves and emperors and many more enchanti......more
Five easy-to-use sliders, a rhyming story and lots to spot and say in this series of bright, interactive board books for......more
An adorable Sing-Along board book story, with five robust board sliders - easy for little hands to use! Each board book ......more
★寶寶最愛躲貓貓!Where’s Mrs. Cat?貓咪太太在哪裡? ★board book書頁厚實+可觸摸、翻看的不織布 ★瑞典設計師Ingela P Arrhenius的插圖,色彩鮮明、充滿童趣 寵物們都躲到哪兒去了?金魚先......more
"Who is in the forest where it’s bright and sunny? Busy, buzzing bees making tasty honey! Play hide-and-seek with The Ve......more
自然科學x英文語文遊戲, 形容動物特徵、朗朗上口的英文韻文, 培養口說能力,鍛鍊想像力, 伸出小手,拉開答案,增添閱讀樂趣。 語言學習的過程,從單字、短句開始,逐步加入生動、多樣的形容,拉長語...more
Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive bo......more
自然科學x英文語文遊戲, 形容動物特徵、朗朗上口的英文韻文, 培養口說能力,鍛鍊想像力, 伸出小手,拉開答案,增添閱讀樂趣。 語言學習的過程,從單字、短句開始,逐步加入生動、多樣的形容,拉長語...more
Push, pull and slide the tabs to zoom about town in Busy Cars! Lower the convertible s roof, swish the windscreen wipers......more
Push, pull and slide the tabs to get to work in Busy Diggers! Scoop up dirt, clear rubble and control mighty metal machi......more
A book about babies for a new baby - with a mirror on the final page! Babies change and babies grow. They re different......more
★ 讀者五星好評的 Busy硬頁互動遊戲書系 ★ 適合學齡前孩子小手操作的互動機關,在訓練小肌肉同時,培養孩子閱讀英文興趣 運動好棒,小手好忙, 眼睛忙著看故事,嘴巴忙著唸英文。 動手推、拉和滑機關,...more
Play peek-a-boo with penguin, lemur, meerkats, giraffe and frog in this delightful book for babies. Lift the sturdy flap......more
自然科學x英文語文遊戲, 形容動物特徵、朗朗上口的英文韻文, 培養口說能力,鍛鍊想像力, 伸出小手,拉開答案,增添閱讀樂趣。 語言學習的過程,從單字、短句開始,逐步加入生動、多樣的形容,拉長語...more
Push, pull and slide the tabs to help the Busy Ambulance on its way! Join the ambulance crew as they hurry to an acciden......more
There s lots to see in Busy Shopping! Children will have fun pulling and turning the tabs as they read the rhyming story......more
Blast off with Maisy! Push, pull, slide, and spin to help everyone’s favorite mouse with a very special mission. Thre......more
Five easy to move sliders, a rhyming story and lots to spot and say in this series of bright, interactive board books fo......more
自然科學x英文語文遊戲, 形容動物特徵、朗朗上口的英文韻文, 培養口說能力,鍛鍊想像力, 伸出小手,拉開答案,增添閱讀樂趣。 語言學習的過程,從單字、短句開始,逐步加入生動、多樣的形容,拉長語...more
An adorable Sing-Along board book story, with five robust board sliders - easy for little hands to use! Each board bo......more
透過神奇的百葉窗認知書, 帶幼齡的孩子,驚喜發現學習的樂趣! 透過玩的方式,嬰幼兒也能輕鬆學會「動物寶寶」的英文名稱,好比小鳥叫做「Chick」、無尾熊寶寶稱作「Joey」、小綿羊是「Lamb」、小熊為「...more
透過神奇的百葉窗認知書, 帶幼齡的孩子,驚喜發現學習的樂趣! 透過玩的方式,嬰幼兒也能輕鬆認識英文的「顏色」與物件,好比紫色的章魚、紅色蘋果、藍色貓頭鷹、粉紅色甜甜圈。 Wacky Magic Windows...more
透過神奇的百葉窗認知書, 帶幼齡的孩子,驚喜發現學習的樂趣! 透過玩的方式,嬰幼兒也能輕鬆認識英文的「動物」與牠們的特色,好比灰色的大象、布滿斑點的獵豹、斑馬身上的條紋…. Wacky Magic Window...more
★ 讀者五星好評的 Busy硬頁互動遊戲書系 ★ 適合學齡前孩子小手操作的互動機關,在訓練小肌肉同時,培養孩子閱讀英文興趣 Busy硬頁推拉書,這次帶著孩子將種子撒入土壤,給植物澆水,觀察美麗的花朵變成...more
Love is . . . a journey! Love is . . . strong! Love embraces all in Loveblock, a fun addition to the acclaimed Abrams Bl......more
★亞馬遜編輯選書 ★近九成讀者五星好評,出自人氣硬頁遊戲書系I Thought I Saw…. ★帶孩子在玩中學會 簡易英文問答及單字 本書結合美國知名插畫家Lydia Nichols繽紛可愛的繪圖、堅固好玩的機關,邀請小朋友...more
搖一搖,可愛動物的大眼睛,轉啊轉, 引領嬰幼兒認識餐具、食物, 學習生活中的第一個英文單字! 吃飯時間到了,孩子們,與可愛的猴子一起享用美食吧!小猴子坐在餐桌前、椅子上、圍上兜兜,準備開動。讓...more
搖一搖,可愛動物的大眼睛,轉啊轉, 小象今天準備要去哪兒呢? 引領嬰幼兒學習生活中的第一個英文單字! 哈囉,小象,咱們一起出門吧,Hooray! 小象身上穿了圍巾、外套和靴子,你能跟著小象一起說出scarf...more
★ 讀者五星好評的 Busy硬頁互動遊戲書系 ★ 適合學齡前孩子小手操作的互動機關,在訓練小肌肉同時,培養孩子閱讀英文興趣 運動好棒,小手好忙, 眼睛忙著看故事,嘴巴忙著唸英文。 Busy硬頁推拉書,這次...more
An adorable Sing-Along board book story, with five robust board sliders – easy for little hands to use! Each board bo......more