

硬頁音效書Pull the tab and listen: It’s music time

硬頁音效書Pull the tab and listen: It’s music time

★ 讀者五星好評!好拉、好按的機關音效硬頁書 ★ 美國知名繪者創作,繽紛可愛插圖 X 五種音效,讓孩子五感大開 大熊長號手好開心,因為今天是他的樂團首演日!輕拉長號圖案頁籤,聽聽森林樂團這次演奏什麼...more

Tractors Have Wings!

Tractors Have Wings!

Tractors have wings, don t they? And trains . . . run on water? That can t be right! Turn the peep-through pages to tr......more

Croc’s Cooking Day (Busy Chores for Little Paws, 2)

Croc’s Cooking Day (Busy Chores for Little Paws, 2)

Can YOU help Croc make pancakes? Full of novelties, including flaps, a wheel, a slider and a pivot, this interactive b......more

Story Animal Train: Wild animal train(3本書可拼一起,盒裝)

Story Animal Train: Wild animal train(3本書可拼一起,盒裝)

★ 3本拼圖形狀硬頁小書,方便小手翻讀,還能當拼圖拼 ★ 附磁扣輕量書盒,出遊最佳良伴,也適合當禮物 ★ 孩子最愛的交通工具主題 X 拼圖 X 故事 嘟嘟!跳上大草原動物吉普車,準備開啟三段精采的冒險!精美...more

Story Animal Train: Farm animal train: Story Animal Title(3本書可拼一起,盒裝)

Story Animal Train: Farm animal train: Story Animal Title(3本書可拼一起,盒裝)

★ 3本拼圖形狀硬頁小書,方便小手翻讀,還能當拼圖拼 ★ 附磁扣輕量書盒,出遊最佳良伴,也適合當禮物 ★ 孩子最愛的交通工具主題 X 拼圖 X 故事 嘟嘟!跳上農場動物的卡車,準備開啟三段精采的冒險!精美書...more

層疊翻翻硬頁書:小肚臍穿衣服Get Dressed, Belly Button!

層疊翻翻硬頁書:小肚臍穿衣服Get Dressed, Belly Button!

It s time to go out, so let s get dressed: tug snug, wriggle jiggle into socks, t-shirt, shoes and finally, all wrapped ......more

硬頁翻翻書Roald Dahl: The Night Before Christmas

硬頁翻翻書Roald Dahl: The Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, and all were in bed, When some chiddlers thought . . . “We’ll be naughty instead!” ......more

翻翻硬頁晚安故事書Moomin’s Peekaboo Night Night: A Lift-and-Find Book

翻翻硬頁晚安故事書Moomin’s Peekaboo Night Night: A Lift-and-Find Book

Discover the magical world of Moomin in this chunky lift-and-find bedtime board book featuring your favourite Moomin cha......more

翻翻硬頁書Find Spot at the Market: A Lift-the-Flap Story

翻翻硬頁書Find Spot at the Market: A Lift-the-Flap Story

In this brand new lift-the-flap adventure, Spot and Grandpa go shopping at the market! Spot loves looking at the colou......more

Bear’s Wash Day (Busy Chores for Little Paws, 1)

Bear’s Wash Day (Busy Chores for Little Paws, 1)

Can you help Bear do the washing? Follow Bear and his friend Croc around the house as they do the laundry, and show yo......more


