

Milt Jackson / Plenty, Plenty Soul

Milt Jackson / Plenty, Plenty Soul

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 頂尖Jazz Vibe樂手Milt Jackson......more

Milt Jackson / The Ballad Artistry Of Milt Jackson

Milt Jackson / The Ballad Artistry Of Milt Jackson

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 與《Ballads & Blues》專輯齊名、由M......more

Milt Jackson / Vibrations

Milt Jackson / Vibrations

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 結合從1960到1961之間所進行的兩段演出。包括......more

Milt Jackson & Coleman Hawkins / Bean Bags

Milt Jackson & Coleman Hawkins / Bean Bags

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 頂尖Jazz Vibes樂手於Atlantic唱片......more

Milt Jackson & John Coltrane / Bags & Trane

Milt Jackson & John Coltrane / Bags & Trane

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 由頂尖Jazz Vibes樂手與以Miles Gr......more

Milt Jackson & Ray Charles / Soul Brothers

Milt Jackson & Ray Charles / Soul Brothers

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 以充滿靈魂的演奏聞名一世、Atlantic唱片旗下......more

Miroslav Vitous / Infinite Search

Miroslav Vitous / Infinite Search

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 以Weather Report樂團第一代貝斯手活躍......more

Ornette Coleman / Ornette On Tenor

Ornette Coleman / Ornette On Tenor

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 通常以演奏中音薩克斯風(alto saxophon......more

Ornette Coleman / Ornette!

Ornette Coleman / Ornette!

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 爵士樂史上大受關注的專輯《Free Jazz》推出......more

Ornette Coleman / The Art Of The Improvisers

Ornette Coleman / The Art Of The Improvisers

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 集結在原創黑膠發行時,因時間關係而無法收錄的珍貴演......more

Paul Desmond / First Place Again

Paul Desmond / First Place Again

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 《FIRST PLACE AGAIN》專輯是Des......more

Peggy Lee / Let’S Love

Peggy Lee / Let’S Love

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 與保羅麥卡尼Paul McCartney共同錄製,......more

Phineas Newborn Jr. / Here Is Phineas

Phineas Newborn Jr. / Here Is Phineas

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 被稱為是天才爵士鋼琴家Art Tatum再世、以壓......more

Rahsaan Roland Kirk / Rahsaan Rahsaan

Rahsaan Roland Kirk / Rahsaan Rahsaan

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 全力打造「黑人爵士樂」的鬼才Kirk推出的概念專輯......more

Randy Weston / African Cookbook

Randy Weston / African Cookbook

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 與爵士樂巨擘艾靈頓公爵Duke Ellington......more

Red Mitchell And Harold Land Quintet / Hear Ye

Red Mitchell And Harold Land Quintet / Hear Ye

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 50年代西岸爵士流傳至今最後的經典名作。當時因為未......more

Shelly Manne / Boss Sounds: Shelly Manne & His Men At Shelly’S Manne-Hole

Shelly Manne / Boss Sounds: Shelly Manne & His Men At Shelly’S Manne-Hole

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 50年代西海岸爵士樂界的知名鼓手Shelly Ma......more

Shelly Manne And His Men / Jazz Gunn

Shelly Manne And His Men / Jazz Gunn

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 人氣話題影集「Peter Gunn」所改編而成的電......more

Ted Curson / The New Thing & The Blue Thing

Ted Curson / The New Thing & The Blue Thing

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 從硬式咆勃樂Hard Bop到調式爵士樂Modal......more

The Art Farmer Quartet / Sing Me Softly Of The Blues

The Art Farmer Quartet / Sing Me Softly Of The Blues

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 令人讚嘆的專輯同名單曲收錄於The Art Far......more

The Art Farmer Quartet Featuring Jim Hall / Interaction

The Art Farmer Quartet Featuring Jim Hall / Interaction

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 粗管短號與吉他相互交織出細緻的火花。 率領無鋼琴四......more

The Art Farmer Quartet Featuring Jim Hall / To Sweden With Love

The Art Farmer Quartet Featuring Jim Hall / To Sweden With Love

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 直接無造作地點綴出對北歐爵士先進國家的印象和想法,......more

The Charles Lloyd Quartet / Dream Weaver

The Charles Lloyd Quartet / Dream Weaver

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 自加農炮艾德利Cannonball Adderle......more

The Charles Lloyd Quartet / Journey Within

The Charles Lloyd Quartet / Journey Within

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 60年代後期的爵士樂界中獲得熱烈關注的Charle......more

The Charles Lloyd Quartet / Love-In

The Charles Lloyd Quartet / Love-In

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 有著魔幻般封面設計的暢銷專輯,跨越爵士與搖滾的音樂......more

The Charles Lloyd Quartet / The Flowering

The Charles Lloyd Quartet / The Flowering

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 領軍最強四重奏的Charles Lloyd於Atl......more

The Clare Fischer Big Band / Thesaurus

The Clare Fischer Big Band / Thesaurus

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 受到盲眼爵士鋼琴家Lennie Tristano的......more

The Dave Brubeck Quartet / The Last Set At Newport

The Dave Brubeck Quartet / The Last Set At Newport

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 邀來以爵士薩克斯風演奏家Paul Desmond接......more

The Modern Jazz Quartet / At Music Inn Guest Artist: Sonny Rollins

The Modern Jazz Quartet / At Music Inn Guest Artist: Sonny Rollins

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 出眾的封面設計搭配極緻的抒情組曲,更加收2曲請來爵......more

The Modern Jazz Quartet / Blues On Bach

The Modern Jazz Quartet / Blues On Bach

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 對爵士鋼琴家John Lewis而言,可以說是個永......more

The Modern Jazz Quartet / European Concert Volume One

The Modern Jazz Quartet / European Concert Volume One

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 記錄1960年春天於北歐進行的巡迴演出,首次推出的......more

The Modern Jazz Quartet / European Concert Volume Two

The Modern Jazz Quartet / European Concert Volume Two

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 收錄1960年春天造訪斯堪地納維亞時的現場演出第......more

The Modern Jazz Quartet / Lonely Woman

The Modern Jazz Quartet / Lonely Woman

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 包括重新詮釋藉著陰暗的歌曲構想而為人熟知的Orn......more

The Modern Jazz Quartet / The Comedy

The Modern Jazz Quartet / The Comedy

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 以16世紀於義大利出現的即興喜劇Commedia......more

The Modern Jazz Quartet / The Legendary Profile

The Modern Jazz Quartet / The Legendary Profile

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 被譽為擁有崇高的音樂性、永恆的樂音,MJQ(MO......more

The Modern Jazz Quartet / The Modern Jazz Quartet

The Modern Jazz Quartet / The Modern Jazz Quartet

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 Connie Kay加入2年後,John Lew......more

The Modern Jazz Quartet / The Modern Jazz Quartet At Music Inn

The Modern Jazz Quartet / The Modern Jazz Quartet At Music Inn

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 邀來薩克斯風演奏家Jimmy Giuffre擔綱......more

Tony Fruscella / Tony Fruscella

Tony Fruscella / Tony Fruscella

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 與Lester Young、Gerry Mull......more

Warne Marsh / Warne Marsh

Warne Marsh / Warne Marsh

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 Lennie Tristano門下,引領眾人的知......more

Woody Herman / Woody Herman’S Big New Herd At The Monterey Jazz Festival

Woody Herman / Woody Herman’S Big New Herd At The Monterey Jazz Festival

*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic、Warner Brothers、Reprise等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列 *經典百款.Digital Remastering.限定生產 打造出多位於西岸爵士樂潮流中堀起的新星演奏家之名......more



*Warner Music嚴選,結合Atlantic Label、Warner Brothers、Reprise Records 及Elektra Records等知名廠牌,爵士大好評系列第二波全新登場! *經典百款.Digital Rem......more

Joni Mitchell / Court And Spark (180g LP)

Joni Mitchell / Court And Spark (180g LP)

★加拿大民謠才女Joni Mitchell巧妙揉合民謠、流行與爵士音樂元素的1974年曠世巨作 ★AMG、Pitchfork、Rolling Stone等專業音樂傳媒滿分推崇,滾石雜誌五百大專輯第111名 ★1974年The Village......more

V.A. / 70’S - The Collection (3CD)

V.A. / 70’S - The Collection (3CD)

*精選60首流行搖滾、民謠搖滾、電子搖滾、龐克、節奏藍調、放克、靈魂樂、迪斯可曲風的經典作品,完美體現70世代流行音樂精髓! *包括:The Four Seasons、Chicago、Fleetwood Mac、The Cars、Judy ......more

V.A. / R&B -The Collection (3CD)

V.A. / R&B -The Collection (3CD)

*彙整三個世代,收錄60首跨越流行、嘻哈、靈魂樂風格的節奏藍調暢銷曲! *包括:嘻哈派對王Flo Rida、時尚嘻哈靈魂樂閃亮星Estelle、嘻哈教母Missy Elliot、美國東岸嘻哈風雲人物The Notorious B.I.G.、......more

V.A. / Soul -The Collection (3CD)

V.A. / Soul -The Collection (3CD)

*橫跨1950年代後期至1970年代初期,收錄60首響叮噹的靈魂樂金曲! *包括:Aretha Franklin的「Respect」,Ray Charles的「What’d I Say」,Otis Redding 的「(Sittin’ On......more

V.A. / Classic Rock The Collection (3CD)

V.A. / Classic Rock The Collection (3CD)

*3CD多達60首歌的曲目,蒐集50年搖滾史上的精彩作品! *包括:Fleetwood Mac大紅歌「Don’t Stop」、Chicago的「You’re The Inspiration」、Faith No More翻繹作品「Easy」、......more

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