This textbook is designed for students who have had two to three years of Chinese as a second language at a North Americ......more
青少年時期是人生成長的必經階段,也是人生的黃金時期。青少年正處於求學階段,接觸的朋輩較多,容易受到學業及交友方面的問題困擾。 再者,青少年在生理方面有較明顯變化,往往導致情緒及行為方面出現...more
This is a textbook for engineering and management/business undergraduates and postgraduate students and a reference for ......more
With the development of politics, economy, science and technology, culture, etc., new words and terms emerge, and new us......more
Foreign learners of the Chinese language always find function words, such as prepositions, auxiliaries, conjunctions, ar......more
目錄 始於美國哈佛大學亨廷頓在1993年發表〈文明的衝突?〉一文的相關討論,至今尚未終結。本書收錄了不同學者對有關問題的討論,其中涉及民族主義的爭論、中國和亞洲崛起與新世界秩序的關係、當代的不平等...more