法國知名紙雕家Hélène Druvert,曾獲得2015年法國圖書大獎(La Nuit du Livre),與立體書大師Robert Sabuda齊名。2019全新作品《奇幻後花園(Garden Jungle)》,帶領你進入充滿想像的花園......more
法國知名紙雕家 Helene Druvert 繼《Paris Up, Up and Away》、《New York Melody》後最新力作, 從珊瑚礁到北極圈,從水循環看到深海發光魚類, 各種你想得到的海底生物,通通集合在這本華麗......more
A musical note filled with wanderlust breaks away from its sheet music to roam all around New York City. It visits Carne......more
你絕對沒有看過這麼好玩的人體知識書! 《Anatomy:A Cutaway Look Inside the Human Body》的作者 Hélène Druvert 為法國知名紙雕家,也是法國圖書大獎 La Nuit du Livre......more
Mary Poppins is perhaps the most beloved nanny of the page and screen, and this charming storybook with ornate, laser-cu......more
The Eiffel Tower is bored today Wouldn t it be nice to fly away? Paris is full of things to do - The Tower would like t......more