In the attempts to unify divided peoples on the basis of a shared past, both historical and mythical, this book illumine......more
Exploring the literature of environmental moral dilemmas from the Hebrew Bible to modern times, this book argues the nec......more
This book explores the life and poetry of Chaim Nachman Bialik (1873-1934) in the context of European national literatur......more
Exploring the literature of environmental moral dilemmas from the Hebrew Bible to modern times, this book argues the nec......more
The Hebrew Bible is the main legislative and literary influence on European Poor Law and on literature on poverty and th......more
Nationalism has given the world a genre of poetry bright with ideals of justice, freedom and the brotherhood of man, but......more
Nationalism, War and Jewish Education explores historical circumstances leading to the emergence of a Jewish religious s......more
Nationalism has given the world a genre of poetry bright with ideals of justice, freedom and the brotherhood of man, but......more
The fragility of the liberal democratic state after 1789 is illustrated in the history of the European Jews from the Fre......more