With unintended harm during hospital care costing billions of dollars to the world economy, not to mention millions of d......more
Cradle-to-grave analyses are becoming the norm, as an increasing amount of corporations and government agencies are basi......more
This book provides the design engineer with concise information on the most important advanced methods that have emerged......more
An Insightful Guide to Avoiding Offshore Oil- and Gas-Industry Disaster Designing, constructing, operating, and maintain......more
Each year billions of dollars are being spent in the area of nuclear power generation to design, construct, manufacture,......more
To meet the needs of today, engineered products and systems are an important element of the world economy, and each year......more
Global competition and other factors are forcing manufacturers to produce highly safe engineering systems and products. ......more
In an approach that combines coverage of safety and human error into a single volume, Safety and Human Error in Engineer......more
During day-to-day use, thousands of lives are lost each year due to accidents, directly or indirectly, resulting from po......more
Of the billions of dollars spent on plant management and operation annually, an estimated 80% of the total amount is spe......more
The safety, maintainability, and maintenance of systems have become more important than ever before. Global competition ......more
As robots are used more and more to perform a variety of tasks in a range of fields, it is imperative to make the robots......more
Global competition and other factors are forcing manufacturers to produce highly safe engineering systems and products. ......more
The demands of the global economy require manufacturers to produce highly reliable and easily maintainable engineering p......more
Computer systems have become an important element of the world economy, with billions of dollars spent each year on deve......more
An Insightful Guide to Avoiding Offshore Oil- and Gas-Industry Disaster Designing, constructing, operating, and maintain......more
Today, engineering systems are an important element of the world economy and each year billions of dollars are spent to ......more
Each year billions of dollars are being spent in the area of nuclear power generation to design, construct, manufacture,......more
This book is an attempt to meet the need for a single volume that considers a wide range of applied reliability topics. ......more
Global competition is forcing reliability and other professionals to work closely during the product design and manufact......more
As robots are used more and more to perform a variety of tasks in a range of fields, it is imperative to make the robots......more