This is surely the most impressive and important publication to come out of the UN system for many years. Peter Adamso......more
First Published in 2017. In this book Dr. Laurie Graham Dodge shares some important fundamnetals of introductory statist......more
This translation of "Guide technique des bassins de retenue d’eaux pluviales", Paris 1994, provides information about pl......more
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a crucial measure in TPM that reports on how well equipment is running. It fact......more
Presented in a style intended for the non-specialist reader, with technical terms and mathematical formulae kept to a mi......more
This edition features a new chapter on computational methods that presents the basic principles on which most modern com......more
Rice represents a unique opportunity for improvement through genetic engineering. This new book provides a detailed revi......more
Quantum mechanics is the key to modern physics and chemistry, yet it is notoriously difficult to understand. This book i......more
Toyota’s world-renowned success proves that just-in-time (JIT) makes other manufacturing practices obsolete. This simple......more