"It is a book for manufacturing companies that are fighting desperately for survival and that will go to any length to i......more
"It is a book for manufacturing companies that are fighting desperately for survival and that will go to any length to i......more
"It is a book for manufacturing companies that are fighting desperately for survival and that will go to any length to i......more
"It is a book for manufacturing companies that are fighting desperately for survival and that will go to any length to i......more
"It is a book for manufacturing companies that are fighting desperately for survival and that will go to any length to i......more
Hiroyuki Hirano’s five pillars of the visual workplace: sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain are the most ......more
Increase Profitability and Decrease Liability with 5S A criticalyet often overlooked area in the visual workplace is the......more