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Miffy 米飛兔 x 荷蘭藝術大師維梅爾 Vermeer

Miffy 米飛兔 x 荷蘭藝術大師維梅爾 Vermeer

The artists Vermeer and Dick Bruna are both world famous and born in the Netherlands. Although their work may seem quite......more

After Dark

After Dark

No matter how different or far apart, cities at night share particular features: neon lights and lonely figures, quiet t......more

Harold Snipperpot’s Best Disaster Ever

Harold Snipperpot’s Best Disaster Ever

Harold Philip Snipperpot is turning seven years old. He’s never had a real birthday party. His parents are too grumpy. B......more

Franklin and Luna and the Book of Fairy Tales

Franklin and Luna and the Book of Fairy Tales

It’s Franklin’s birthday! While his surprise birthday party is being set up, Luna takes Franklin book shopping. They fin......more

Inner Child

Inner Child

It may never be clear why adults pretend to be busy or stressed, but truths about love, life, and living in the moment a......more

Garden Jungle

Garden Jungle

法國知名紙雕家Hélène Druvert,曾獲得2015年法國圖書大獎(La Nuit du Livre),與立體書大師Robert Sabuda齊名。2019全新作品《奇幻後花園(Garden Jungle)》,帶領你進入充滿想像的花園......more

Pop-Up Volcano!

Pop-Up Volcano!

Open this book and step into the fiery world of volcanoes! Find out why they erupt, what scientists can learn from them ......more

There’s Room for Everyone

There’s Room for Everyone

A child grows and discovers the world. As he lies awake at night, he sees there’s enough room in the sky for all the sta......more

Leonardo Pop-Ups

Leonardo Pop-Ups

A beautiful and dynamic new way of looking at the work of Leonardo da Vinci, one of the greatest painters, inventors, an......more



法國知名紙雕家 Helene Druvert 繼《Paris Up, Up and Away》、《New York Melody》後最新力作, 從珊瑚礁到北極圈,從水循環看到深海發光魚類, 各種你想得到的海底生物,通通集合在這本華麗......more

New York Melody

New York Melody

A musical note filled with wanderlust breaks away from its sheet music to roam all around New York City. It visits Carne......more

Are You Hungry?

Are You Hungry?

What do you want to eat today? There are so many treats you can eat in a week! These pages are packed with flaps to lift......more



自以為是座了不起的小山,其實只是顆小石頭?不過沒關係,就算個子小,但她也是一個擁有滾動人生的小石頭呀! 一直相信自己是一座小山的佩特拉,驚訝地發現,其實她只是顆小石頭。因為就在剛剛,她被一隻...more

Who’s the Biggest?

Who’s the Biggest?

An enchanting children’s book that teaches how to interact with the book and the world Is the bear smaller than the mou......more

夜光找一找:不可思議的雨林大探索 Day & Night: Rainforest

夜光找一找:不可思議的雨林大探索 Day & Night: Rainforest

最吸睛的夜光書 一同欣賞雨林的奇幻之美 雨林有哪些特有動植物? 白天和夜晚的雨林又有何不同? 哪些動植物又是在夜晚出沒的? 在夜晚發光的繽紛色彩,奇幻呈現雨林特有景色,帶來翻閱的驚喜! *為...more

Anatomy:A Cutaway Look Inside the Human Body

Anatomy:A Cutaway Look Inside the Human Body

你絕對沒有看過這麼好玩的人體知識書! 《Anatomy:A Cutaway Look Inside the Human Body》的作者 Hélène Druvert 為法國知名紙雕家,也是法國圖書大獎 La Nuit du Livre......more

What Are You Wearing Today? (A Flip Flap Pop Up Book)

What Are You Wearing Today? (A Flip Flap Pop Up Book)

What are you wearing today? Well, it depends In this new addition to the Flip Flap Pop-up book series, young children ar......more

What Happens Next?

What Happens Next?

What Happens Next? follows a child’s hilarious, wildly inventive train of thought following the death of his grandfather......more

Paris Up, Up and Away

Paris Up, Up and Away

The Eiffel Tower is bored today Wouldn t it be nice to fly away? Paris is full of things to do - The Tower would like t......more

Star Trek Pop-Ups

Star Trek Pop-Ups

Star Trek is one of the most enduring franchises in Hollywood entertainment history. Part of the public consciousness si......more

David Hockney’s Dog Days

David Hockney’s Dog Days

"From September 1993, I painted and drew my dogs. This took a certain amount of planning, since dogs are generally not i......more