裡面還有附一本小小的漫畫,很可愛。玩具本身也很精緻,放在桌上看了非常療癒! (沒有附電池,要自備) 很值得趁活動價時入手!👍🏻...more
Cal Newport 一共寫了10 幾本書(時報幾乎都有繁體版),而其中最後六本都是以 Deep work 開頭的都是一樣的!實際上,建議可鈣化成: * 一次專注於單一話題 * 花很多時間研究這個問題 * 不要著急,因為事...more
我算蠻喜歡這本書。這本書實際上是關於偏見的,但使用數學中的分數作為討論點。但書中沒有太多的數學內容;數學內容很少,文字解釋得很好。這本書內容過程用對話語氣,作者也樂於分享了一些個人觀點。 上...more
Amazon Prime官方出品的,小手冊、卡片很精緻,比起用美國官網訂購,價格也很划算,可惜想再買一套收藏時已經沒貨了。...more
一本充滿軼聞跟故事填充物,但缺乏結構性的書 因為他已成全球著名作家,所出的書都有繁簡體版,所以都有機會翻閱,但原文書的寫作品質上應該是每下愈況;基本上,閱讀這本書並不能讓我學到什麼,(我閱讀...more
由於塔羅牌是消耗品,所以我不太在意質感,不過它的大小只有拇指大,如果要練大桌牌陣,那這套很適合。 排除一些宮廷牌和數字牌在解牌上會稍微愣住,此牌在解牌上還蠻好解的,甚至還有女性力量的暗示。 如...more
如果你已經喜歡語言或學習外語,那麼這本書不適合你。如果你一直很好奇語言能為你做什麼,而且你從未對語言漠不關心,那麼也許它可能適合你。 作者似乎主張她最為熟練的母語,羅馬尼亞語和俄語太過於性別...more
本書是從耶魯大學的「Life worth living」課程產生的,由於我自己在大學教的課有些部份也牽涉到這部份,所以我就買來看了。 不得不佩服作者群結合了佛家、儒家以及伊斯蘭、基督、天主等宗教思想,還找了許...more
還可啦 拿到的書很新無損這點很棒 目前只看一點點,覺得還可。沒有到讓人一直忍不住想看下去的感覺,但也不會很無聊。但前面講自己出家前很厲害那一長段真的有夠ㄏ...more
作者以許多藥物成癮患者案例,探討外界刺激對於大腦多巴胺分泌的影響。本書乍看只是一本與生物知識相關的科普書,但作者真正的想傳遞的,是一種讓身心衡定的生活方式。 先前看到此書中譯本的書評,似乎有...more
題材有趣、畫風溫暖、色彩運用很有意思,整體不偏離原始韋特牌意,但著眼點比較樂觀,上手難度不高。 原本是覺得有趣又ㄎㄧㄤ買的,但收到仔細看過牌面後覺得高於我的期待值。...more
就是亞馬遜的那套oracle cards,雖然這邊沒有照片⋯寄來的時候東西很精美,完好無損,照片呈現在卡片的質感也超乎預期,只是真的好大張⋯就算不占卜拿來當攝影作品看都很賞心悅目...more
今天剛好是雙十國慶,祝福自己的國家生日快樂! 中華民國又長了一歲,也算某種「長大」呢。 本書的評論我有另外寫一篇投稿至關鍵評論網,標題為——《When I grow up》書評:成年不等於成熟,人...more
在一個心情前所未有憂鬱的狀況下入手了書籍,內容作者具體描述了很多自己低潮的心境:失落、消極、負面等情緒,都可以有很好的帶入感,甚至神奇的是幫助自己脫離了憂鬱。 內容包含心境、工作壓力、接受治...more
塔羅牌完全簡化,無法從圖畫看出端倪,但對想要簡單牌卡的我卻正中紅心,粉紅色還很可愛。 牌卡厚實不會輕易凹到,有一本解釋塔羅牌卡的簡易手冊。...more
I hadn't heard of Pranayama breathing until a friend recommended it. I have anxiety and this book actually works on lowering my anxiety. If you have anxiety, you know how frustrating it...more
Of Mozart and Magi is a perfectly delightful Christmas pudding! I don’t normally read novellas, but with two of my most beloved contemporary romance characters, how could I not? This t...more
It’s kind of a gross topic, but constipation happens to everyone from time to time. Honestly, I’ve never given much though to why it happens, but I found this book to be very inf...more
i was skeptical about the title. i thought it was provocative and a cheap joke. i was wrong. turned out i was also glad her mom died. the reading experience feels like a Hollywood version o...more
可能是材質的緣故,我拆封後發現裡面的打底布圖案部分粘連在一起,分開後會損傷一點,有點小可惜。 最喜歡它棺材造型的盒子,很精美,價格也可以,推薦喜歡聖誕夜驚魂的人收藏用!(即使不用來作塔羅占卜...more
This book is a great and easy way to help your child learn how to stay organized. Simple and short lessons that are also fun. My kid loves this book...more
What a breath of fresh air. This book definitely comes from place of experience showing a wealth of knowledge on the hustle and grind takes to be successful. But more importantly how to know...more
His book was very informative.It's interesting to see the things that can help you stay healthy.None of my doctor's has ever given me any of that advice .The most I got was to take...more
Simple and straightforward with good examples. Ideas that you can integrate right away into your business and personal life without stress....more
Was very interested in learning about palmistry and this little read helped SO MUCH! Easy to comprehend as well as implement the practices!...more
As a Protestant, I have always thought the bloodline conspiracy (that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and produced offspring) was so flawed because it has no flaw! We believe that Jesus died fr...more
I love that it is spelled out exactly how and when to do what to achieve the end goal. Equally important is the sensitive skin options....more
This is a very good starting place for people who are interested in learning a foundation and does a good job giving a good foundation on the history as well....more
This book complete demystifies the entire world of stock market investing. The book is educational and a great confidence builder for those who feared the stock market due to lack of underst...more
Fantastic resource and an easy read that helps make sense of personality types based on their color and shade. If you are looking for a quick, attention-keeping read on personality, this is ...more
This is a great and practical book on leadership. Sometimes I find leadership books too abstract. This is a quick read for professionals with real world implications. It’s worth the re...more
I searched through many books on narcissism before I found this. A lot of books present a very biased opinion. This book is neutral and informative. It’s easy to read and provides tool...more
Empower yourself and others to love a fulfilled life! Wished this had been available when I was working and raising children. Well written and boldly true....more
A brilliant book with techniques for manifesting not just love but all the good stuff in life! This is one of the author's many commendable works on manifesting. Simple, easy to follow ...more
There is something so simple yet astoundingly powerful about the Abraham Hicks teachings. I've read all of their books and would recommend them a million times over again. Truth is some...more
Great informative read for any Conference producer. Whether you're just starting your new career or you are an industry veteran, there are some great takeaways from this book....more
Who knew it could Get better! I loved this book, unknown. To me it was the last in this series but thankfully not this world!!! I love all the characters! Lol Blister close to my heart his a...more
A lot if great information in such a small book. I highly recommend this book even if it is a refresher for some. Some discussion points should be common sense, but we fine out in real life ...more
There are few books on the topic, this one is legit. I am a clairvoyant and I can see and hear spirits, but needed a tool to help me clarify messages as I cannot always hear well. This is th...more
50張充滿機智詼諧意味的插畫小卡,由巴爾的摩藝術家、設計師兼教育家-George Wylesol所繪製。每張小卡為你開啟對藝術的不同解讀角度,卡片背面同時附註一段短語,讓你能用自己的方式找到與藝術的共鳴,藝...more
Over the years I haves used all many different systems of working out how to do To Do List. They just all seemed to fail me. They just seemed to overwhelm me. This is the best book I have ev...more
This book saved my life. I found it at the v right time. It's message was easy for my brain to understand. I haven't had a single cigarette since reading this book almost 11 months...more
This book has helped me see another side to treating my knee pain that no doctor will ever tell you. Most doctors send you directly to physical therapy or even surgery without trying to solv...more
I found this book to contain valuable information with regard to treating atopic dermatitis using natural herbs. I have always tried to go this route especially with the cost of insurance. T...more
Very informative book. I've always been interested with the study of mental disorders especially Schizophrenia. It was interesting to know that there are different kinds of this disorde...more
Great book that goes over the classic fundamentals on body language. It's not extremely wordy as most other authors that discuss topics like these. But, you'll get the general rela...more
I’m a fast reader, most of the time. I have been trying to read books with their errors in them and not slam on the brakes on each one. It’s amazing to me how often an author wil...more
I had no interest in making perfumes, but I do now!!!! This book makes it so interesting & easy to do. No wonder it had a good rating with so few readers. Straight to the facts, no bunch...more
The word occult is always associated with negative feelings. I used to think that way. I have become more familiar with the occult and have been able to open my mind, heart and eyes to the w...more
This book gave me some new directions to go. I have been struggling with this problem for years and traditional medication has not helped. I am going to try this....more
I teach intuitive writing and this book is a must read for anyone on the awakening path. I will definitely be quoting Janet in my next workshops. Highly researched but soulful read....more
Enjoyable Read about studying a person's face to know if they are truthful or not. READING their expressions and understanding their meanings more throughly is a great technique to have...more
為什麼會有那麼多衝突,如何面對?這本書給出一些很有趣的看法 如果你對如何化解衝突,這本書真的值得你來閱讀...more
And reading this book, not only deepened my commitment to continue my daily ritual with pranayama being an integral part of my routine, I am devoted on continuing the path to be able to teac...more
This is a great basic first aid manual offering more than just standard treatments. The other remedies and information on understanding the situation as well as the illness or injury is grea...more
This book is very well written and very rich in correct information. I would recommend this book to noobs and seasoned growers for accurate and detailed info....more
I was very interested to read this book, as my father has suffered for many years with RA, and I thought it was about time I found out a bit more about it, and what the options are for reduc...more
Such beauty. Such sadness. So much love between husband and wife. The story of both parents going through Alzheimer’s together is poignant and sweetly told by their daughter, the autho...more
I liked that the author inserted their personal experience into every bit of advice. Where did the author get their advice from? From personal experience of course, the best teacher of all t...more
I started cupping after surgery, mainly for circulation improvement, keloid scar reduction, and pain management. This book is great for beginners just as it states....more
The best, I have read the words they say in this book that if you follow daily you will succeed 100 percent my thanks to the author cause I know I am going to be BIG I just needed to read th...more
A helpful, easy to read book. It's well written with great information to help you navigate different personality disorders. With insights from this book never feel manipulated by bad b...more
An easy and thought provoking read with charming illustrations. Inspiration offered with a humble spirit in a condensed and useful form. A great stocking-stuffer or Hanukkah gift for someone...more
I absolutely love this book! Great information to help you clear the clutter in your home. I already did alot just from reading halfway through this book. very helpful tips! I recommend this...more
This book is pure gold. I was searching for a book on email marketing and this one caught my attention. To be honest, I've never heard of the author although once I started reading the ...more
Before reading this book I was a single mom trying to figure things out. I felt that my life was just the same routines and schedules with no room for time to myself. Although I am still a s...more
I grabbed this book as sometimes I work with a group of people or teams. This book gives the maximum of the information you can get about brainstorming, multiple techniques, tools, and resou...more
This is a great guide for learning about reflexology and how this treatment can help you with many different disorders. This book has tons of great information and I highly recommend this bo...more
Which is exactly what I look for in this type of books. The technique is simple to learn, and the author doesn’t waste any time giving you too much historics or unnecessary context. Th...more
Very good suggestions on keeping long distance relationships interesting, and how to discuss expectations and resolving conflict. An easy and quick read....more
As a parent, this was one of the best books I ever bought. I used to previously scream at my kids for not doing homework. Now I know that is not an effective method to let them study. Bribin...more
Very surprised by the detail in this compact book. Covers everything from knowing drones and regulations of flying drones. Really useful for a novice pilot to know this information as drones...more
This book forced me to think about my thinking in a powerful way! It brought concepts that might be considered too abstract down to the real world and bridged the gap between theory and appl...more
A very helpful and to-the-point text with hundreds of illustrations that can help you throughout the day. Includes so many helpful tif-bits and powerful insight of how we as humans operate p...more
I really love kettlebells. They have changed how I exercise. I have exercised all my life with the exception of an extended period when my kids were small and doing so impacted their health ...more
This book is definitely my #1 favorite and by far the most helpful and educational book I've read on Bipolar and how to help a loved one and yourself cope with my. 10/10 would recommend...more
This book was a very easy read but it managed to explain the concept behind the theories of small talk really well. I was a communication major in high school so I am well versed on this top...more
This is the perfect book for a layperson. I was a truly terrible science student in junior high and high school, but I think that if I had had such a concisely laid out explanation as this, ...more
This book contains all you need to start on your journey to becoming a hypnotist. It breaks down all the different aspects and also types of hypnosis so the layperson can understand without ...more
Covers all the basic exercises. I find the step by step breakdown really useful. Wish they had included more workouts on PARALLETS. Then again this is for beginners, so no complaints...more
This book is very plainly written and easy to understand. Gaslighting and manipulation can be so insidious that you could be experiencing it without knowing what it is. I found the most help...more
Straightforward help to build emotional intelligence with specific steps and simple charts to track emotional responses and their catalysts. This can help many grow in various relationships ...more
I bought this for my sister who hates to read but is dealing with the start of the terrible two’s and seems to have trouble with discipline because of our upbringing. She said it&rsquo...more
This guide is fantastic and a huge help of my own healing journey but also with learning to help heal others too. Very useful recommendations for crystal pairing and covers most of the heali...more
This book has a lot of good suggestions for managing bipolar. I'm going back into therapy & this book contains some good practical advice that can easily be implemented into daily l...more
I'm reading books like this to support my partner & gain a better understanding of sobriety. People seem to have a very one sided view to alcoholics and the word itself holds a huge...more
This book is designed with a very thorough explanation and insight into the mind of a narcissist, as well as victims and others who have had to deal with a manipulator before. I always find ...more