


Rainbow Tarot: 78 Cards & Guidebook

Rainbow Tarot: 78 Cards & Guidebook

  • Lazo,SoIngram,出版日期:2024-05-07
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分


Forest Friends: Positive Inspiration from the Animal Kingdom

Forest Friends: Positive Inspiration from the Animal Kingdom


「萬事均安」火災狗桌上擺設(附燈光及音效)This Is Fine Talking Figurine: With Light and Sound!

「萬事均安」火災狗桌上擺設(附燈光及音效)This Is Fine Talking Figurine: With Light and Sound!

裡面還有附一本小小的漫畫,很可愛。玩具本身也很精緻,放在桌上看了非常療癒! (沒有附電池,要自備) 很值得趁活動價時入手!👍🏻...more

Disappointing Affirmations

Disappointing Affirmations


Ask Your Guides Oracle Cards: A 56-Card Deck and Guidebook

Ask Your Guides Oracle Cards: A 56-Card Deck and Guidebook


Partial Truths: How Fractions Distort Our Thinking

Partial Truths: How Fractions Distort Our Thinking

我算蠻喜歡這本書。這本書實際上是關於偏見的,但使用數學中的分數作為討論點。但書中沒有太多的數學內容;數學內容很少,文字解釋得很好。這本書內容過程用對話語氣,作者也樂於分享了一些個人觀點。 上...more

Good Omens Tarot Deck and Guidebook

Good Omens Tarot Deck and Guidebook

Amazon Prime官方出品的,小手冊、卡片很精緻,比起用美國官網訂購,價格也很划算,可惜想再買一套收藏時已經沒貨了。...more

Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things

Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things

  • Adam,GrantIngram,出版日期:2023-10-24
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

一本充滿軼聞跟故事填充物,但缺乏結構性的書 因為他已成全球著名作家,所出的書都有繁簡體版,所以都有機會翻閱,但原文書的寫作品質上應該是每下愈況;基本上,閱讀這本書並不能讓我學到什麼,(我閱讀...more

Dark Wood Tarot Mini Deck

Dark Wood Tarot Mini Deck

由於塔羅牌是消耗品,所以我不太在意質感,不過它的大小只有拇指大,如果要練大桌牌陣,那這套很適合。 排除一些宮廷牌和數字牌在解牌上會稍微愣住,此牌在解牌上還蠻好解的,甚至還有女性力量的暗示。 如...more

法網遊龍:迷你桌上型法槌Law & Order: Mini Gavel Set with Sound

法網遊龍:迷你桌上型法槌Law & Order: Mini Gavel Set with Sound


You Deserve Better: The Sunday Times Bestselling Guide to Finding Your Happiness

You Deserve Better: The Sunday Times Bestselling Guide to Finding Your Happiness

  • Anne-MarieIngram,出版日期:2023-09-12
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

This book is highly inspirational to people, especially teenagers, who are currently undergoing the difficulties of their social lives and the disordered mind of adolescence. Although the la...more

聖誕尖叫羊The Screaming Christmas Goat: Ahhhhh!

聖誕尖叫羊The Screaming Christmas Goat: Ahhhhh!

第一次買這樣的小物,放在辦公室被自己上班,竟然是如此的療瘉,也因此這樣逐漸買上癮了。 雖然這樣的小物不是很便宜,但是整體的質感非常好,所以相當值得收藏,每個細節基本上都是很完整的,因此還會繼...more

The Light Seer’s Pocket Tarot: A 78-Card Deck & Guidebook

The Light Seer’s Pocket Tarot: A 78-Card Deck & Guidebook

  • Chris-AnneIngram,出版日期:2023-08-22
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分


The Power of Language: How the Codes We Use to Think, Speak, and Live Transform Our Minds

The Power of Language: How the Codes We Use to Think, Speak, and Live Transform Our Minds

如果你已經喜歡語言或學習外語,那麼這本書不適合你。如果你一直很好奇語言能為你做什麼,而且你從未對語言漠不關心,那麼也許它可能適合你。 作者似乎主張她最為熟練的母語,羅馬尼亞語和俄語太過於性別...more

Midnight Magic: A Tarot Deck of Mushrooms

Midnight Magic: A Tarot Deck of Mushrooms

  • Richard,SaraIngram,出版日期:2023-03-28
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分


Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most

Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most

本書是從耶魯大學的「Life worth living」課程產生的,由於我自己在大學教的課有些部份也牽涉到這部份,所以我就買來看了。 不得不佩服作者群結合了佛家、儒家以及伊斯蘭、基督、天主等宗教思想,還找了許...more

How Big Things Get Done: The Surprising Factors That Determine the Fate of Every Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration and Everyt

How Big Things Get Done: The Surprising Factors That Determine the Fate of Every Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration and Everyt


I May Be Wrong

I May Be Wrong

還可啦 拿到的書很新無損這點很棒 目前只看一點點,覺得還可。沒有到讓人一直忍不住想看下去的感覺,但也不會很無聊。但前面講自己出家前很厲害那一長段真的有夠ㄏ...more

Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence

Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence

  • Anna,LembkeIngram,出版日期:2023-01-03
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

作者以許多藥物成癮患者案例,探討外界刺激對於大腦多巴胺分泌的影響。本書乍看只是一本與生物知識相關的科普書,但作者真正的想傳遞的,是一種讓身心衡定的生活方式。 先前看到此書中譯本的書評,似乎有...more

The Pasta Tarot: A 78-Card Deck for Delicious Divination

The Pasta Tarot: A 78-Card Deck for Delicious Divination

題材有趣、畫風溫暖、色彩運用很有意思,整體不偏離原始韋特牌意,但著眼點比較樂觀,上手難度不高。 原本是覺得有趣又ㄎㄧㄤ買的,但收到仔細看過牌面後覺得高於我的期待值。...more

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse: The Animated Story

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse: The Animated Story


The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times

The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times


Sacred Nature Oracle

Sacred Nature Oracle

就是亞馬遜的那套oracle cards,雖然這邊沒有照片⋯寄來的時候東西很精美,完好無損,照片呈現在卡片的質感也超乎預期,只是真的好大張⋯就算不占卜拿來當攝影作品看都很賞心悅目...more

When I Grow Up: Conversations with Adults in Search of Adulthood

When I Grow Up: Conversations with Adults in Search of Adulthood

  • Moya,SarnerIngram,出版日期:2022-10-04
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

今天剛好是雙十國慶,祝福自己的國家生日快樂! 中華民國又長了一歲,也算某種「長大」呢。 本書的評論我有另外寫一篇投稿至關鍵評論網,標題為——《When I grow up》書評:成年不等於成熟,人...more

Everything Is Ok

Everything Is Ok

  • Debbie,TungIngram,出版日期:2022-09-27
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

在一個心情前所未有憂鬱的狀況下入手了書籍,內容作者具體描述了很多自己低潮的心境:失落、消極、負面等情緒,都可以有很好的帶入感,甚至神奇的是幫助自己脫離了憂鬱。 內容包含心境、工作壓力、接受治...more

Ok Tarot: The Simple Deck for Everyone

Ok Tarot: The Simple Deck for Everyone

塔羅牌完全簡化,無法從圖畫看出端倪,但對想要簡單牌卡的我卻正中紅心,粉紅色還很可愛。 牌卡厚實不會輕易凹到,有一本解釋塔羅牌卡的簡易手冊。...more

Active Listening: Effective Skill On How To Improve Your Communication Skills (Ultimate Guide To Truly Listen, Understand, And Validate)

Active Listening: Effective Skill On How To Improve Your Communication Skills (Ultimate Guide To Truly Listen, Understand, And Validate)

  • Hast,OliverIngram,出版日期:2022-09-09
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共2位評分

This book can be very helpful. It has the best (and my favorite) features of helpful book: a lot of information, great structure and the fact that it really makes you think. Not just shiftin...more

Pranayama: Breathing Techniques to Kundalini Awakening (Master the Art of Pranayama Breathing and the Ujjayi Breath)

Pranayama: Breathing Techniques to Kundalini Awakening (Master the Art of Pranayama Breathing and the Ujjayi Breath)

  • Beamon,PeterIngram,出版日期:2022-09-01
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共4位評分

I hadn't heard of Pranayama breathing until a friend recommended it. I have anxiety and this book actually works on lowering my anxiety. If you have anxiety, you know how frustrating it...more

Prevent Alzheimer: Treat the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Disease (A Holistic Approach for a Happy and Healthier Mind and Body)

Prevent Alzheimer: Treat the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Disease (A Holistic Approach for a Happy and Healthier Mind and Body)

  • Burton,KandiIngram,出版日期:2022-08-25
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共3位評分

This book is amazing. If you really want to know what’s going on in the healthcare industry this is the book to set you straight. All the evidence is here from all the experts. He shar...more

Mozart: The Life and Music of the Great Composer (The Lives and Legacies of History’s Most Famous Composers)

Mozart: The Life and Music of the Great Composer (The Lives and Legacies of History’s Most Famous Composers)

Of Mozart and Magi is a perfectly delightful Christmas pudding! I don’t normally read novellas, but with two of my most beloved contemporary romance characters, how could I not? This t...more

Constipation: Natural Plan to Cure Your Constipation Forever (The Easiest Way to Eliminate Constipation and Cleanse Your Body)

Constipation: Natural Plan to Cure Your Constipation Forever (The Easiest Way to Eliminate Constipation and Cleanse Your Body)

It’s kind of a gross topic, but constipation happens to everyone from time to time. Honestly, I’ve never given much though to why it happens, but I found this book to be very inf...more

I’’m Glad My Mom Died

I’’m Glad My Mom Died

i was skeptical about the title. i thought it was provocative and a cheap joke. i was wrong. turned out i was also glad her mom died. the reading experience feels like a Hollywood version o...more

The Nightmare Before Christmas Tarot Deck and Guidebook Gift Set

The Nightmare Before Christmas Tarot Deck and Guidebook Gift Set

可能是材質的緣故,我拆封後發現裡面的打底布圖案部分粘連在一起,分開後會損傷一點,有點小可惜。 最喜歡它棺材造型的盒子,很精美,價格也可以,推薦喜歡聖誕夜驚魂的人收藏用!(即使不用來作塔羅占卜...more

Autism in Kids: Parent’s Guide to Autism Treatment and Support (Using Daily Activities to Help Kids Communicate Learn and Connect)

Autism in Kids: Parent’s Guide to Autism Treatment and Support (Using Daily Activities to Help Kids Communicate Learn and Connect)

This book is a great and easy way to help your child learn how to stay organized. Simple and short lessons that are also fun. My kid loves this book...more

Workaholic: An Easy Guide to Help Moderate Your Addiction (How to Break Work Addiction and Learn to Enjoy Family and Life)

Workaholic: An Easy Guide to Help Moderate Your Addiction (How to Break Work Addiction and Learn to Enjoy Family and Life)

What a breath of fresh air. This book definitely comes from place of experience showing a wealth of knowledge on the hustle and grind takes to be successful. But more importantly how to know...more

Perception: Take Charge of How Others View Your Brand (How to Connect Power, and Purpose to Transcend Perception)

Perception: Take Charge of How Others View Your Brand (How to Connect Power, and Purpose to Transcend Perception)

I have read all of your books . I read often and would love to edit them. Passed vs past is used incorrectly in more than one book. The books are good. It’s the teacher in me, but thes...more

Magnesium: Learn About the Health Benefit of Magnesium (Happiness & More With the Miracle Mineral Magnesium)

Magnesium: Learn About the Health Benefit of Magnesium (Happiness & More With the Miracle Mineral Magnesium)

  • Adams,RustyIngram,出版日期:2022-07-18
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

His book was very informative.It's interesting to see the things that can help you stay healthy.None of my doctor's has ever given me any of that advice .The most I got was to take...more

Kaizen: Make Process Improvement Fun and Exciting (How to Create a Lasting Change One Step at a Time)

Kaizen: Make Process Improvement Fun and Exciting (How to Create a Lasting Change One Step at a Time)

  • Curry,ElvaIngram,出版日期:2022-07-13
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共2位評分

Simple and straightforward with good examples. Ideas that you can integrate right away into your business and personal life without stress....more

Palmistry: Easy & Effective Techniques for Reading Palms (The Complete Guide to Palm Reading Diploma Course)

Palmistry: Easy & Effective Techniques for Reading Palms (The Complete Guide to Palm Reading Diploma Course)

Was very interested in learning about palmistry and this little read helped SO MUCH! Easy to comprehend as well as implement the practices!...more

How to Remember Names: How to Remember Names and Faces the Easy Way (Practical Memory Improvement Exercises and Techniques)

How to Remember Names: How to Remember Names and Faces the Easy Way (Practical Memory Improvement Exercises and Techniques)

  • Claire,GlazeIngram,出版日期:2022-07-12
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共2位評分

I was at an event and met this man for about 2 minutes. Imagine my surprise when he was asked to come on stage. He started talking about remembering people and proceeded to start with the fi...more

The Priory of Sion: Legacy of Rennes-le-chateau and the Priory of Sion (Revelations From the World’s Most Secret Society - Guardians): Leg

The Priory of Sion: Legacy of Rennes-le-chateau and the Priory of Sion (Revelations From the World’s Most Secret Society - Guardians): Leg

  • Nancy,RiveraIngram,出版日期:2022-07-11
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共3位評分

As a Protestant, I have always thought the bloodline conspiracy (that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and produced offspring) was so flawed because it has no flaw! We believe that Jesus died fr...more

Homemade Deodorant: How to Make Your Own Homemade Deodorant (The Perfect Guide to Help You Make Your Own Natural Deodorant)

Homemade Deodorant: How to Make Your Own Homemade Deodorant (The Perfect Guide to Help You Make Your Own Natural Deodorant)

I love that it is spelled out exactly how and when to do what to achieve the end goal. Equally important is the sensitive skin options....more

Wicca for Beginners: A Guide to Cultivating Real Wiccan Beliefs (Useful for Improving Your and Your Loved Health and Happiness)

Wicca for Beginners: A Guide to Cultivating Real Wiccan Beliefs (Useful for Improving Your and Your Loved Health and Happiness)

This is a very good starting place for people who are interested in learning a foundation and does a good job giving a good foundation on the history as well....more

Nootropics: The Best For Fat Loss And Appetite Supression (Boost Your Brain Function With Smart Drugs And Memory Supplements)

Nootropics: The Best For Fat Loss And Appetite Supression (Boost Your Brain Function With Smart Drugs And Memory Supplements)

  • Lang,PhillipIngram,出版日期:2022-06-30
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

Very informative look at the new buzz word nootropics. Being a reader of reddits nootropic sub, I am rather familiar with it and this is a nice condensation of some of the best....more

Investing for Beginners: Stock Market Investing, Mutual Fund Investing, Commodities Investing (Learn Forex, Options Trading, Futures and Real E

Investing for Beginners: Stock Market Investing, Mutual Fund Investing, Commodities Investing (Learn Forex, Options Trading, Futures and Real E

This book complete demystifies the entire world of stock market investing. The book is educational and a great confidence builder for those who feared the stock market due to lack of underst...more

Success: How Teens Can Create Their Own Brilliant Future (Timeless Principles To Develop Inner Confidence And Create Authentic

Success: How Teens Can Create Their Own Brilliant Future (Timeless Principles To Develop Inner Confidence And Create Authentic

Fantastic resource and an easy read that helps make sense of personality types based on their color and shade. If you are looking for a quick, attention-keeping read on personality, this is ...more

Leadership: Ultimate Guide to Beeing A Successful and Charismatic Leader (Learn Team Building and Employee Management Skills At Wo

Leadership: Ultimate Guide to Beeing A Successful and Charismatic Leader (Learn Team Building and Employee Management Skills At Wo

  • Shawn,VernerIngram,出版日期:2022-06-22
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共2位評分

This is a great and practical book on leadership. Sometimes I find leadership books too abstract. This is a quick read for professionals with real world implications. It’s worth the re...more

Narcissism: Stop Suffering Abuse By Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Escape From Self Centered Narcissistic Person

Narcissism: Stop Suffering Abuse By Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Escape From Self Centered Narcissistic Person

I searched through many books on narcissism before I found this. A lot of books present a very biased opinion. This book is neutral and informative. It’s easy to read and provides tool...more

Women Empowerment: Giving the Power Back to the Women of Today (A Short Insight to the History of Women in the Society)

Women Empowerment: Giving the Power Back to the Women of Today (A Short Insight to the History of Women in the Society)

  • Joanna,TracyIngram,出版日期:2022-06-18
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共7位評分

Empower yourself and others to love a fulfilled life! Wished this had been available when I was working and raising children. Well written and boldly true....more

How to Make People Like You: Overcome Anxiety When Talking to Strangers (A Complete Guide to Make Anyone Like You Within Seconds)

How to Make People Like You: Overcome Anxiety When Talking to Strangers (A Complete Guide to Make Anyone Like You Within Seconds)

  • John,ShieldsIngram,出版日期:2022-06-14
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

Think of this book as an updated version of "How to Win Friends and Influence People". Social media has made us feel like we are connected, but actually so many are lonely and isol...more

Manifesting: A Method for Manifesting Exceptional Wealth (How to Master and Apply Abundance Mindset in Your Life)

Manifesting: A Method for Manifesting Exceptional Wealth (How to Master and Apply Abundance Mindset in Your Life)

A brilliant book with techniques for manifesting not just love but all the good stuff in life! This is one of the author's many commendable works on manifesting. Simple, easy to follow ...more

Law of Attraction: Successfully Manifest Love, Abundance, Happiness and Wealth (Raise Your Vibrations Using Visualizations and Begin Your

Law of Attraction: Successfully Manifest Love, Abundance, Happiness and Wealth (Raise Your Vibrations Using Visualizations and Begin Your

  • Emma,GrahamIngram,出版日期:2022-06-07
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

There is something so simple yet astoundingly powerful about the Abraham Hicks teachings. I've read all of their books and would recommend them a million times over again. Truth is some...more

Career Guide: How to Become a Pathfinder for Lifetime Success (How to Make Your Work Life More Fulfilling and Meaningful)

Career Guide: How to Become a Pathfinder for Lifetime Success (How to Make Your Work Life More Fulfilling and Meaningful)

  • Nicole,OakesIngram,出版日期:2022-06-07
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共4位評分

Great informative read for any Conference producer. Whether you're just starting your new career or you are an industry veteran, there are some great takeaways from this book....more

Internet Addiction: Strategies to Overcoming Your Online Obsession (Get Out of the Virtual World and Get Back to Real Life)

Internet Addiction: Strategies to Overcoming Your Online Obsession (Get Out of the Virtual World and Get Back to Real Life)

  • Araiza,LarryIngram,出版日期:2022-06-04
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

I love the book, its easy to read and the information and strategie can be used not only for computer addiction but anything else you can imagine I got computer addicted and kicked off once,...more

Virgo: A Monthly Channeled Guide for the Year Ahead (The Ultimate Guide to an Amazing Zodiac Sign in Astrology)

Virgo: A Monthly Channeled Guide for the Year Ahead (The Ultimate Guide to an Amazing Zodiac Sign in Astrology)

Who knew it could Get better! I loved this book, unknown. To me it was the last in this series but thankfully not this world!!! I love all the characters! Lol Blister close to my heart his a...more

Small Talk: People Skills & Communication Skills You Need To Be Charismatic (Make Real Friends, Stop Anxiety and Increase Self-Con

Small Talk: People Skills & Communication Skills You Need To Be Charismatic (Make Real Friends, Stop Anxiety and Increase Self-Con

  • Arnott,ScottIngram,出版日期:2022-05-28
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共8位評分

A lot if great information in such a small book. I highly recommend this book even if it is a refresher for some. Some discussion points should be common sense, but we fine out in real life ...more

Bullying: Tips And Tricks On How To Overcome Bullying (How To Protect Your Children From Being Bullied Or Cyberbullied)

Bullying: Tips And Tricks On How To Overcome Bullying (How To Protect Your Children From Being Bullied Or Cyberbullied)

  • David,PhelpsIngram,出版日期:2022-05-26
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

If your looking for help helping your pre-teen or teenage daughter, niece, or granddaughter with bullying issues; how to deal with them and understand why someone would bully another person,...more

Ouija Board: How to Use a Ouija Board (Fascinating Experiences With the Mysterious Spirit Oracle)

Ouija Board: How to Use a Ouija Board (Fascinating Experiences With the Mysterious Spirit Oracle)

  • Arthur,JonesIngram,出版日期:2022-05-25
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共2位評分

There are few books on the topic, this one is legit. I am a clairvoyant and I can see and hear spirits, but needed a tool to help me clarify messages as I cannot always hear well. This is th...more

How to Win Friends and Influence People

How to Win Friends and Influence People


解讀藝術新角度(牌卡書盒珍藏版) Ways of Looking at Art

解讀藝術新角度(牌卡書盒珍藏版) Ways of Looking at Art

50張充滿機智詼諧意味的插畫小卡,由巴爾的摩藝術家、設計師兼教育家-George Wylesol所繪製。每張小卡為你開啟對藝術的不同解讀角度,卡片背面同時附註一段短語,讓你能用自己的方式找到與藝術的共鳴,藝...more

To Do List: A Practical Guide To Setting And Achieving Goals (A Diagrammatic Guide To Complete Your Tasks Within A Weeks)

To Do List: A Practical Guide To Setting And Achieving Goals (A Diagrammatic Guide To Complete Your Tasks Within A Weeks)

  • Corey,RileyIngram,出版日期:2022-05-16
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共2位評分

Over the years I haves used all many different systems of working out how to do To Do List. They just all seemed to fail me. They just seemed to overwhelm me. This is the best book I have ev...more

Quit Smoking: The Most Effective Method to Quit Smoking (The Easy Escape From Nicotine Dependance to Restore Your Health)

Quit Smoking: The Most Effective Method to Quit Smoking (The Easy Escape From Nicotine Dependance to Restore Your Health)

This book saved my life. I found it at the v right time. It's message was easy for my brain to understand. I haven't had a single cigarette since reading this book almost 11 months...more

Tennis Elbow: How to Treat and Reverse Tennis Elbow Naturally (Physiotherapy Intervention and Exercise Programme for Tennis Elbow)

Tennis Elbow: How to Treat and Reverse Tennis Elbow Naturally (Physiotherapy Intervention and Exercise Programme for Tennis Elbow)

It was the best advice I got for tennis elbow, my pain was greatly reduced on the first day, my tennis elbow is gone now, two weeks later. Great book....more

Knee Pain: Effective Treatment to Speeding Up the Healing (How I Proved My Doctors Wrong and Beat Chronic Knee Pain)

Knee Pain: Effective Treatment to Speeding Up the Healing (How I Proved My Doctors Wrong and Beat Chronic Knee Pain)

This book has helped me see another side to treating my knee pain that no doctor will ever tell you. Most doctors send you directly to physical therapy or even surgery without trying to solv...more

Eczema: A Step By Step Guide for Eczema Treatment (Ayurvedic Remedies Live Healthy With Natural Remedies to Avoid Eczema)

Eczema: A Step By Step Guide for Eczema Treatment (Ayurvedic Remedies Live Healthy With Natural Remedies to Avoid Eczema)

I found this book to contain valuable information with regard to treating atopic dermatitis using natural herbs. I have always tried to go this route especially with the cost of insurance. T...more

Plays Well with Others

Plays Well with Others

強力推薦同一作者的前作,而非本(續)作品(繁體版書名是「和他人相處融洽」)!我原先因為作者的第一本著作「成功不再跌跌撞撞」(Barking Up the Wrong Tree)《曾榮登The Wall Street Journal暢銷榜,...more

Schizophrenia: An Essential Guide to Overcoming Schizophrenia (The Coping With Psychosis and Schizophrenia Self Help Handbook)

Schizophrenia: An Essential Guide to Overcoming Schizophrenia (The Coping With Psychosis and Schizophrenia Self Help Handbook)

Very informative book. I've always been interested with the study of mental disorders especially Schizophrenia. It was interesting to know that there are different kinds of this disorde...more

Body Language: Use Non-verbal Communication And Nlp To Influence And Persuade People (Learn Techniques That Psychologists And Fbi Age

Body Language: Use Non-verbal Communication And Nlp To Influence And Persuade People (Learn Techniques That Psychologists And Fbi Age

Great book that goes over the classic fundamentals on body language. It's not extremely wordy as most other authors that discuss topics like these. But, you'll get the general rela...more

Exorcism: A Scary Journey in the Most Famous True Stories (The True Story of Exorcisms and Dealing With Paranormal Spirits)

Exorcism: A Scary Journey in the Most Famous True Stories (The True Story of Exorcisms and Dealing With Paranormal Spirits)

The stories contained in this book were very interesting. They were basically summarized versions of each activity. Although short, I wish it had just a tad bit more detail....more

Bermuda Triangle: Unexplained Disappearances Beneath the Waves (A True Story of Strange Events From the Bermuda Triangle)

Bermuda Triangle: Unexplained Disappearances Beneath the Waves (A True Story of Strange Events From the Bermuda Triangle)

I’m a fast reader, most of the time. I have been trying to read books with their errors in them and not slam on the brakes on each one. It’s amazing to me how often an author wil...more

Organic Perfumes: The Complete Guide To Making Simple And Easy Homemade Organic Perfume (All Natural Organic Perfumes Recipes For Beauti

Organic Perfumes: The Complete Guide To Making Simple And Easy Homemade Organic Perfume (All Natural Organic Perfumes Recipes For Beauti

  • Earl,JohnsonIngram,出版日期:2022-04-20
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共3位評分

I had no interest in making perfumes, but I do now!!!! This book makes it so interesting & easy to do. No wonder it had a good rating with so few readers. Straight to the facts, no bunch...more

Occultism: The Ultimate Guide to the Occult and Alchemy (Protect Your Home and Family and Attract What You Desire)

Occultism: The Ultimate Guide to the Occult and Alchemy (Protect Your Home and Family and Attract What You Desire)

The word occult is always associated with negative feelings. I used to think that way. I have become more familiar with the occult and have been able to open my mind, heart and eyes to the w...more

Herpes: Trusted Herpes Prevention and Permanent Cure (A Complete Guide to the Medical and Herbal Treatments)

Herpes: Trusted Herpes Prevention and Permanent Cure (A Complete Guide to the Medical and Herbal Treatments)

  • Pamela,SmithIngram,出版日期:2022-04-19
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共4位評分

This book gave me some new directions to go. I have been struggling with this problem for years and traditional medication has not helped. I am going to try this....more

Handwriting Analysis: A Step by Step Guide to Improve Your Handwriting (An Illustrated Book on Graphology for Beginners)

Handwriting Analysis: A Step by Step Guide to Improve Your Handwriting (An Illustrated Book on Graphology for Beginners)

I teach intuitive writing and this book is a must read for anyone on the awakening path. I will definitely be quoting Janet in my next workshops. Highly researched but soulful read....more

Paganism: The Secrets of Norse Pagan Paths & Asatru (A Comprehensive Guide to Learn About the Norse Religion)

Paganism: The Secrets of Norse Pagan Paths & Asatru (A Comprehensive Guide to Learn About the Norse Religion)

  • Nellie,WhiteIngram,出版日期:2022-04-18
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共2位評分

A great starting place for anyone interested in Paganism in general or are just starting out on the Pagan path. This little gem of a book introduces you to the tools and pantheons used withi...more

Face Reading: Discover How to Read People Like Clockwork (Self-care and Natural Healing Through Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Face Reading: Discover How to Read People Like Clockwork (Self-care and Natural Healing Through Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Enjoyable Read about studying a person's face to know if they are truthful or not. READING their expressions and understanding their meanings more throughly is a great technique to have...more

Pranayama: The Breathing Techniques for Balance Healing (Master the Art of Pranayama Breathing and the Ujjayi Breath)

Pranayama: The Breathing Techniques for Balance Healing (Master the Art of Pranayama Breathing and the Ujjayi Breath)

And reading this book, not only deepened my commitment to continue my daily ritual with pranayama being an integral part of my routine, I am devoted on continuing the path to be able to teac...more

High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out

High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out

為什麼會有那麼多衝突,如何面對?這本書給出一些很有趣的看法 如果你對如何化解衝突,這本書真的值得你來閱讀...more

Hidden Games: The Surprising Power of Game Theory to Explain Irrational Human Behavior

Hidden Games: The Surprising Power of Game Theory to Explain Irrational Human Behavior

這本書開局不錯,但很快就演變為對賽局理論等不連貫的解釋,這讓人會質疑作者本身是否明白他們在寫什麼。如果有人無法以非專家角度可以理解的方式解釋某件事,那麼他自己真的理解這個主題嗎? 這本書因為...more

Woodland Wardens: A 52-Card Oracle Deck & Guidebook

Woodland Wardens: A 52-Card Oracle Deck & Guidebook


First Aid for Beginners: How to Build Your Own Herbal First Aid Kit (Medicine Handbook You Need in Your First-aid Kit That Will Save Your Life)

First Aid for Beginners: How to Build Your Own Herbal First Aid Kit (Medicine Handbook You Need in Your First-aid Kit That Will Save Your Life)

This is a great basic first aid manual offering more than just standard treatments. The other remedies and information on understanding the situation as well as the illness or injury is grea...more

Testosterone: The Definitive Guide to Boosting Your Testosterone (How to Boost Testosterone Naturally and Feel Amazing)

Testosterone: The Definitive Guide to Boosting Your Testosterone (How to Boost Testosterone Naturally and Feel Amazing)

I think this book is excellent for learning about TOT and and good summaries on how are hormones work. I also like they paid attention the audience who may not understand all the science jar...more

Magic Mushrooms: The Definitive Step-by-step Guide to Cultivation (A Simple Guide to Home Cultivation of Psychedelic Mushrooms)

Magic Mushrooms: The Definitive Step-by-step Guide to Cultivation (A Simple Guide to Home Cultivation of Psychedelic Mushrooms)

This book is very well written and very rich in correct information. I would recommend this book to noobs and seasoned growers for accurate and detailed info....more

Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Best Remedy Guide for Rheumatoid Arthritis (A Guide to the Natural Approach Against Rheumatoid Arthritis)

Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Best Remedy Guide for Rheumatoid Arthritis (A Guide to the Natural Approach Against Rheumatoid Arthritis)

I was very interested to read this book, as my father has suffered for many years with RA, and I thought it was about time I found out a bit more about it, and what the options are for reduc...more

Alzheimers: A Story for Kids of All Ages Who Love Someone (A Calming Gift for Alzheimer Patients and Senior Citizens Living)

Alzheimers: A Story for Kids of All Ages Who Love Someone (A Calming Gift for Alzheimer Patients and Senior Citizens Living)

Such beauty. Such sadness. So much love between husband and wife. The story of both parents going through Alzheimer’s together is poignant and sweetly told by their daughter, the autho...more

Time Management: Be More Productive and Build Habits of Most Successful People (Understand the Universal Rules of Life and Organize You

Time Management: Be More Productive and Build Habits of Most Successful People (Understand the Universal Rules of Life and Organize You

I liked that the author inserted their personal experience into every bit of advice. Where did the author get their advice from? From personal experience of course, the best teacher of all t...more

Cupping Therapy: How to Effectively Use Cupping Therapy in Healing (The Definitive Guide on How to Effectively Use Cupping Therapy)

Cupping Therapy: How to Effectively Use Cupping Therapy in Healing (The Definitive Guide on How to Effectively Use Cupping Therapy)

I started cupping after surgery, mainly for circulation improvement, keloid scar reduction, and pain management. This book is great for beginners just as it states....more

Akashic Records: Learn How to Transform the Akashic Records (Connecting to Consciousness and Spirituality and Its Journey)

Akashic Records: Learn How to Transform the Akashic Records (Connecting to Consciousness and Spirituality and Its Journey)

So very intrigued to learn even more about the Akashic record after reading this book! Short and sweet. Straight to the point. I am still fairly new to the world of holistic healing and so t...more

Law Of Attraction: The Basics Of Manifestation Secrets To Attract Anything You Desire (Hacking The Law Of Attraction For Money For Satisf

Law Of Attraction: The Basics Of Manifestation Secrets To Attract Anything You Desire (Hacking The Law Of Attraction For Money For Satisf

The best, I have read the words they say in this book that if you follow daily you will succeed 100 percent my thanks to the author cause I know I am going to be BIG I just needed to read th...more

Manifesting: Pocket Guide To Manifestation Using 15 Advanced Law Of Attraction (Learn My 8 Secrets To Powerful Manifesting Magic To

Manifesting: Pocket Guide To Manifestation Using 15 Advanced Law Of Attraction (Learn My 8 Secrets To Powerful Manifesting Magic To

  • Kelsey,MandyIngram,出版日期:2022-03-12
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共6位評分

Just loving this book. So incredibly easy to follow the meditations and I love the way it is simply laid out and you can pick and choose based on how you are feeling that day or what you are...more

Psychology: Learn Influence And Persuasion And Read Body Language (Advanced Nlp Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success To Skyrocke

Psychology: Learn Influence And Persuasion And Read Body Language (Advanced Nlp Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success To Skyrocke

A helpful, easy to read book. It's well written with great information to help you navigate different personality disorders. With insights from this book never feel manipulated by bad b...more

Ninjutsu: Spirit of the Unconventional Combat Arts (Mental Strength and Physical Abilities of the Ninjutsu Masters)

Ninjutsu: Spirit of the Unconventional Combat Arts (Mental Strength and Physical Abilities of the Ninjutsu Masters)

An easy and thought provoking read with charming illustrations. Inspiration offered with a humble spirit in a condensed and useful form. A great stocking-stuffer or Hanukkah gift for someone...more

Feng Shui: Modern Guide For Creating Abundance in Your Holistic Home With Feng Shui For Mind (Feng Shui Guidelines That Makes Sen

Feng Shui: Modern Guide For Creating Abundance in Your Holistic Home With Feng Shui For Mind (Feng Shui Guidelines That Makes Sen

I absolutely love this book! Great information to help you clear the clutter in your home. I already did alot just from reading halfway through this book. very helpful tips! I recommend this...more

Email Marketing: How to Increase Your E-mail Marketing Profits (Discover How to Grow Your Business With the Power of Email)

Email Marketing: How to Increase Your E-mail Marketing Profits (Discover How to Grow Your Business With the Power of Email)

This book is pure gold. I was searching for a book on email marketing and this one caught my attention. To be honest, I've never heard of the author although once I started reading the ...more

Introvert: Escape Your Comfort Zone and Thrive as an Introvert (A Practical Guide to Connecting With Others at Networking Events)

Introvert: Escape Your Comfort Zone and Thrive as an Introvert (A Practical Guide to Connecting With Others at Networking Events)

I like how the book challenge me to be an extrovert and it somehow motivated me to be one. Being extrovert is a self development that everybody would wish to have. This was a helpful and goo...more

Mind Mapping: How Easy It Is to Retain More Information (Navigate Your Thoughts Methodically With Digital Mind Maps)

Mind Mapping: How Easy It Is to Retain More Information (Navigate Your Thoughts Methodically With Digital Mind Maps)

Before reading this book I was a single mom trying to figure things out. I felt that my life was just the same routines and schedules with no room for time to myself. Although I am still a s...more

Brainstorming: The Practical Guide to Mastering Creative (Instructions to Make Your Brainstorming Sessions More Profitable)

Brainstorming: The Practical Guide to Mastering Creative (Instructions to Make Your Brainstorming Sessions More Profitable)

I grabbed this book as sometimes I work with a group of people or teams. This book gives the maximum of the information you can get about brainstorming, multiple techniques, tools, and resou...more

Reflexology: Quick Guide to Easy Reflexology Techniques (The Complete Guide to Reflexology Relieve Pain and Reduce Tension)

Reflexology: Quick Guide to Easy Reflexology Techniques (The Complete Guide to Reflexology Relieve Pain and Reduce Tension)

This is a great guide for learning about reflexology and how this treatment can help you with many different disorders. This book has tons of great information and I highly recommend this bo...more

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