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Chapter I
Part 1: 字根100
ac, ag = do, move, drive 做;移動;推動
agent 特務;代理人;經紀人
ag = do做 + ent行為者�做某件事的人�代理人。

在我們日常生活中有代理我們做各種事情的人,像insurance agent「保險經紀人」、travel agent「旅行代理商」、estate agent「房地產經紀人」、literary agent「出版經紀人」等等。如果你是大明星,你更需要一位幫你打理一切的經紀人。現今美國大聯盟(MLB)中,史考特‧波拉斯(Scott Boras)是名氣最響亮的運動經紀人,他操作手法一流,漫天要價,能讓他的球星客戶海撈天價合約,幾乎讓所有球團膽寒,因此有了吸血鬼(vampire)的稱號。

在電影史上,最有名的特務(secret agent)當屬007電影系列中的詹姆斯‧龐德(James Bond),一系列電影歷經半個世紀而不衰。龐德隸屬於英國軍情六處(MI6),英挺風流,出生入死,總是能夠在最後一刻化險為夷。飾演過007的男星,各個都是型男帥哥,像第一任龐德史恩‧康納萊(Sir Sean Connery),與現任龐德丹尼爾‧克雷格(Daniel Craig)都是性感偶像。其實現實生活中的特務,長相都很平凡,不起眼才是最好的掩護。

1 act [ækt] v. 做事;行動;舉止;行為
n. 行為;法案;(戲劇、表演等的)一幕
do 做
‧She claimed that she acted in self-defense.

2 active [ˋæktɪv] adj. 活躍的;積極的;起作用的;(藥物)有效的
ac -tive
do 做 形容詞字尾
‧Although the pitcher is 49, he is still active in the MLB.

3 agile [ˋædʒaɪl] adj. 靈活的;敏捷的
ag -ile
move 移動 形容詞字尾
‧The matador is nimble and agile.

4 ambiguous [æmˋbɪgjʊəs] adj. 模稜兩可的;含糊不清的
ambi- (a)g -uous
both ways 兩邊 drive, lead 推動,通往 形容詞字尾
‧The suspect’s account was deliberately ambiguous.

5 antagonist [ænˋtægənɪst] n. 對立者;敵手;敵人
ant(i)- agon -ist
opposite, against 反 drive 推動 行為者
‧They seem to have regarded us more of an ally than an antagonist.

6 cogent [ˋkodʒənt] adj. 有說服力的
co- (a)g -ent
together 一起 drive 推動 形容詞字尾
‧During his appearance, he appeared cogent and relatively reasonable.

7 exact [ɪgˋzækt] adj. 精準的;準確的;一絲不苟的
ex- act
thoroughly 徹底 drive 推動
‧He gave an exact description of the accident.

8 transaction [trænˋzækʃən] n. 交易;業務;買賣
trans- ac -tion
across 從一邊到另一邊 drive, do 推動,做 名詞字尾
I prefer to think of this as a business transaction, one that can be mutually beneficial. 我希望將這視為一樁商業交易,對彼此都有好處。

Chapter II.
Part 1:常見複合字

air conditioner [ɛr kənˋdɪʃənɚ] 空調
‧As soon as he got into the room, he turned on the air conditioner.

air raid [ɛr red] 空襲
‧Many civilians were killed in the air raid.

alarm clock [əˋlɑrm klɑk] 鬧鐘
‧He set the alarm clock for six o’clock. (他把鬧鐘設定在六點。)

assembly line [əˋsɛmblɪ laɪn] 裝配線
‧They are proud of their fully automated assembly lines.

babysitter [ˋbebɪsɪtɚ] 臨時保母
‧I’ll go with you if I can get a babysitter.

back-seat driver [bæk sitˋdraɪvɚ] 指揮駕駛者的乘客;企圖越權者
‧The former prime minister was accused of trying to be a back-seat driver.

bank account [bæŋk əˋkaʊnt] 銀行帳戶
‧I’d like to open a bank account. (我想開一個銀行帳戶。)

blood donor [blʌdˋdonɚ] 捐血者
‧Can a child become a blood donor? (小孩可以成為捐血者嗎?)

absent-minded [ˋæbsntˋmaɪndɪd] 心不在焉的
‧The student has been getting absent-minded this semester.

all-out [ˋɔlˋaʊt] 全力以赴的;全面的
‧They lived in constant fear of an all-out war.

audio-visual [ˋɔdɪəˋvɪʒʊəl] 視聽的
‧A lot of audio-visual materials are used in the classroom.

big-headed [ˋbɪg͵hɛdɪd] 自負的;傲慢的
‧I don’t want to sound arrogant and big-headed.

brand-new [ˋbrændˋnu] 全新的
‧His shirt looks brand-new. (他的襯衫看起來像全新的。)

broken-hearted [͵brokənˋhɑrtɪd] 傷心極了
‧She was broken-hearted when she lost her son in the war.

clear-cut [ˋklɪrˋkʌt] 明確的;易辨的
‧There is no clear-cut answer to this question.

cold-blooded [koldˋblʌdɪd] 冷酷的;無情的
‧The entire world has been shocked by the cold-blooded murder at the summer camp.

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