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2. 「I am starving to death.」意思是「我快餓死了!」
不只是中文有「白髮三千丈」之類的誇飾說法,英文也有。像這裡的「I am starving to death.」是代表「我快餓死了。」這句話當然也可以說成「I am hungry to death.」、「I am so hungry to die.」另一方面,「我很飽」的說法是「I am stuffed.」,句中stuffed這個字的意思是「填滿的、塞滿的」。

3. 「I feel like a juicy steak.」我感覺起來像牛排?
「feel like」這個片語,有兩種解釋。一個是照字面上翻譯,是「感覺好像」,如「Moeller spelt “ace” as “ass”. He feels like a fool.」就要解釋為「莫勒把ace(王牌)拼成ass(臀部)。他覺得自己像是個大笨蛋。」另外一種解釋是「想要」,如「I am so thirsty now. I feel like a cup of tea.」就是「我現在好渴,我想要喝杯茶。」請務必記得feel like有上面兩種解釋,看到或聽到的時候,請記得從上下文來判斷文意,才知道到底怎麼解釋才通喔!


1. 很高興認識你。久仰大名了。
It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.

2. 我聽說好多有關你的事,不過別擔心,都是好的。
I’ve heard so much about you, but don’t worry, it’s all good.

3. 很高興終於能見到你本人。
It’s really nice to finally meet you in the flesh.

4. 我是張山姆,新娘的大學朋友。
I am Sam Chang, a college friend of the bride.
5. 我的名字是凱瑟琳,但大家都叫我凱特。
My name is Catherine, but everybody calls me Cat.


1. introduce [動] 介紹
Before the speech, the speaker introduced himself first.

2. colleague [名] 同事
Scarlett doesn’t get along with her colleague Fiona. She thinks Fiona sets a trap for her every day.
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