We guarantee the most convenient self-storage experience with a clean and safe environment for all your storage needs. 我們保證提供最方便的自助倉儲體驗,以乾淨安全的環境,滿足您儲物的需求。
記憶連結:(re- again),(store store) 商店重新開幕要先裝修
排名:9 出現次數:343 service v. 維修,保養 = maintain = overhaul = inspect /ˈsɜːrvɪs/
The machines need to be serviced regularly. 這些機器需要定期被保養。
serve v. 供應(食物,飲料) = provide = distribute /sɜːrv/
The flight attendants are serving drinks for passengers. 空服員正在為旅客供應茶水。
v. 擔任(角色) + as = act as = function as
The airline will serve as the official carrier for attendees of the annual conference. 這家航空公司將會擔任本次年度大會與會者的官方運輸公司。
serving n. (食物)一份 = portion = helping /ˈsɜːrvɪŋ/
The recipe is sufficient for five servings. 這份食譜足夠五人份食用。