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Part 2 
Unit 6 性別平等
A can hold a candle to B 分庭抗禮
成語「分庭抗禮」,其原出處來自《莊子‧漁父》中的「萬乘之主,千乘之君,見夫子未嘗不分庭抗禮。」,其所形容的意思即為兩方相對等,沒有優劣地位的區別,是處於同樣平等、對等的關係;在英文中,有句諺語可用來形容類似的概念,那就是「A can hold a candle to B」,形容 A 可以與 B 在實力、地位等不同條件下相抗衡,兩方是處於平等的狀態,而否定用法「A can’t hold a candle to B」也很常在日常生活中聽到,指的即是 A 並無法與 B 相抗衡,且差距甚大。
Over the progression of society, gender issues have come a long way. Once upon a time, gender equality is such an obscure concept that it is not easily fathomable for many people, inclusive of some females themselves.
But now, society has come such a long way when it comes to protecting women’s right at work. Mostly, the prevention of sexism is taken quite seriously throughout developed countries.
Now in today’s world, the factor of “New Genders” (such as the LGBT community) comes into play, and ask for the same equal rights as the way male and female are both legally protected.
What is your view on this issue? Please explain.
題目首先提到,在女權運動發跡的年代,人們還不能夠很輕易地接受兩性平權的觀念,主要是受到了傳統觀念的束縛,然而在現今已開發社會,兩性平權已成為非常基本的觀念,隨著時代的演變,也出現了所謂的「新性別」、LGBT 社群,這些個體也如之前追求兩性平權的先鋒,爭取他們應擁有的平等權利;以下範文採取支持立場,並舉例在各個不同的領域,「LGBT 總有傑出的代表能與傳統兩性分庭抗禮 Representatives of the LGBT community can hold a candle to representatives of the traditionally defined binary sex group」
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