

The World of Shamans

  • 作者:林富士
  • 出版日期:2023/06/21
內容連載 頁數 6/6

[11] 事實上,這並不是崔應階的創舉,在乾隆年間,不少地方首長曾多次針對類似的「迎神賽會」下達禁令,但卻屢禁屢復;參見木津祐子,〈赤木文庫藏《官話問答便語》校〉,《沖繩文化研究》31(東京,2004),頁543-657(550-553)。
[12] 詳見林富士,〈清代臺灣的巫覡與巫俗──以《臺灣文獻叢刊》為主要材料的初步探討〉,頁23-99。
[13] 詳見Mitsuo Suzuki, “The Shamanistic Element in Taiwanese Folk Religion,” in A. Bharati ed., The Realm of the Extra-Human: Agents and Audiences (The Hague and Paris: Mouton Publishers, 1976), pp. 253-260; Ruth-Inge Heinze, Trance and Healing in Southeast Asia Today (Bangkok, Thailand: White Lotus Co., Ltd., 1988); Donald S. Sutton, “Rituals of Self- Mortification: Taiwanese Spirit-Mediums in Comparative Perspective,” Journal of Ritual Studies, 4:1 (1990), pp. 99-125.
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